Episode 14: Jonathan

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Following my conversation with Vince, I turn to face Eriola. "Honey, I have to go, but we're not done talking. You and I are together until I say otherwise. Do you understand?" I lean in and kiss her passionately, emphasizing my words. "I'll be back for you, I promise."

Eriola's eyes flash with defiance, but she reluctantly nods in agreement. "Fine, Jonathan, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't want to see you again."

I burst into laughter before quickly turning my expression to one of anger. My hand reaches out and grasps her neck tightly, not enough to cut off her breath but enough to make a point. I push her against the wall.

"Eriola, have you forgotten what I just told you? You belong to me - your mind, your body, and that sweet little pussy that is betraying you right now is all mine. No other man can touch, taste or fuck what belongs to me. The woman I truly desire is not my wife, it's you. Eriola you will soon realize that you belong completely and utterly to me."

Tears well up in her eyes, but she doesn't utter a word. I know she can't deny the truth of my words. My grip loosens, and I wipe the single tear that threatens to fall with my thumb. "I'll be back for you, my love. Until then, think about what you want more - your pride or our future together," I whisper before releasing her.

I exit the condo, leaving Eriola to her thoughts. The door slams shut behind me, emphasizing the finality of my words. After leaving the building, I called Vince and we were able to have a more thorough conversation over the phone. My driver, Dave, greeted me at the town car and opened the door for me. I slid into the backseat and settled into the plush backseat of the town car, the anger simmering within me threatened to bubble over. I clenched my jaw, my grip on the phone tightening as I prepared to unleash my fury upon Vince.

"So tell me, Vince," I seethed, my voice laced with a potent mix of frustration and betrayal. "What do you know? Who is this investigator and when did she hire him?" The words tumbled out in a rush, fueled by a need for answers and a thirst for retribution. No one hired a private investigator on me without facing the consequences. Not even if it happened to be my own wife.

There was a momentary silence on the other end of the line, interrupted only by the distant sound of traffic passing by. I could almost picture Vince shifting uncomfortably in his seat, bracing himself for the storm that was about to unleash.

"Well, uh..." he stammered, his voice hesitant. "You instructed me to follow her, and that's when I found out. I tracked her to a man's office downtown, not too far from where Eriola works at Urban Design Group. Once she left the investigator's office, I went inside and spoke with him. He refused to give me the information I needed, so I resorted to violence until he gave in and told me what I wanted to know."

I gripped the phone tightly, my anger boiling inside. "That's great and all, but what did the investigator actually say?" I demanded.

Vince let out a deep sigh, his voice measured as he replied. "The investigator, Brian Hoffman, mentioned that there have been concerns about your recent behavior and they want to understand what's happening."

My grip on the phone tightened further, my knuckles turning white. This wasn't what I had expected to hear. My anger waned slightly, replaced by confusion and a nagging sense of guilt. Had I truly been so oblivious to the changes within myself that my own wife felt compelled to hire someone to investigate me?

Vince came back to me with concern in his voice. "Boss, she's hired a divorce lawyer," he informed me. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, now she's hired an investigator and a lawyer. Fuck me right now.

I took a deep breath, struggling to regain control over my emotions. "And who did she hire?" I asked, my voice now tinged with weariness.

"The investigator recommended someone," Vince replied cautiously. "A man named Marcus Thompson. He's supposed to be discreet and thorough."

Marcus Thompson... The name seemed familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before. But amidst the tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts raging through my mind, I couldn't quite grasp its significance. The pieces of the puzzle were scattered, waiting to be assembled.

Silence stretched between us once again, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air. The town car continued its smooth journey through the city, a stark contrast to the turbulent storm brewing within me.

"Vince," I began, my voice softer now, tinged with a mix of regret and vulnerability. "I want you to find out everything you can about Marcus Thompson. I need to know why he's been brought into this and what he's discovered so far."

There was a hint of concern in Vince's voice as he responded, "Are you sure about this? It could lead to more complications."

I pondered his words for a moment, aware that diving deeper into this investigation could unravel secrets I wasn't quite ready to face. But I knew that staying in the dark would only prolong the pain and uncertainty.

"Yes," I said firmly, my resolve solidifying. "I want to know everything. No matter how difficult it may be."

As we concluded our conversation, the town car pulled up to my elegant suburban residence. The grand facade of the house stood before me, a symbol of all that had been built over the years - trust, love, and shared memories.

But now, like an intricate tapestry unraveling at its seams, cracks had formed in the foundation of our once blissful marriage. And it was up to me to determine whether those cracks could be repaired or if they would grow into insurmountable chasms.

With heavy steps, I made my way towards the front door, readying myself to confront the truth that awaited within those familiar walls. As I turned the key and pushed open the door, uncertainty mingled with determination in equal measure. Whatever lay ahead, I knew one thing for certain - our lives were about to change forever.

Dear Readers,

As you stand on the threshold with Jonathan, I hope you feel the weight of the moment. The journey ahead is filled with twists and turns, and the truth that lies beyond this door will reshape their world in unimaginable ways. Embrace the uncertainty and the determination, for they mirror the complexity of our own lives. Stay with us as we uncover the revelations that await, and prepare for a story that will change everything you thought you knew.

Happy Reading!

Pagine D'Oro

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