Episode 52: Holden (Unleash the Savage)

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Devastation, death, and pain. These are the only words that come to mind when I think of our hotel right now. The fire department told us that the explosion only caused damage to the front and first two floors, but it wasn't enough to bring down the entire building. It's infuriating. We're all at the hospital getting checked out, and my brother Alexander was hit the worst.

He has shards of glass embedded in his stomach and chest, thankfully missing any vital organs. Our parents are here with us too. We lost many of our staff members in this disaster, and Jonathan also lost some of his men. This is all Marco's doing, and when I find him, he'll pay for what he's done.

As we underwent our routine check-up, I lay in bed and glanced up to see Jonathan standing by the door. His eyes showed weariness as he asked, "How are your brothers holding up?" His concern was evident in his voice.

"As of now, my brothers are stable. How are your men holding up?" I inquired as he took a seat in one of the chairs.

"Four dead, rest are stable. I gave them the week off. Eriola and my daughter are fine. I just wanted to check on you all. I still don't like you, Holden, but after this is over we'll go back to being enemies," he said with a sly grin.

"I know, jerk. I can't believe Marco would do something like this," I shook my head in disbelief. "He always had a grudge against us, but I never thought he'd take it this far."

Jonathan's fists clenched as determination surged through him. "We can't let him get away with this. He needs to be held accountable for his actions," Jonathan asserted firmly.

"How is Eriola handling all of this? Did you tell her what happened?" I asked, curious if he had shared the information with her or not. But then again, she probably saw it on TV.

"She didn't say much, just worried about you and your brothers. How ironic, huh?" Jonathan replied, amusement creeping into his voice. We both laughed, but I could see the pain etched on Jonathan's face from his injuries.

"Were you serious when you asked me to make sure Eriola and your daughter were safe if anything happens to you? Why do you trust me, even though you don't like me?"

"Yes, Holden, I was serious. With our lives constantly in danger because of my past involvement in the mafia world, I worry for Eriola's safety if something were to happen to me. That's why Marco wants me dead: so that we can't protect our loved ones anymore. We need to make sure we have top-notch security," he explained, concern evident on his face as he spoke about Eriola and their daughter's well-being.

As the conversation between Jonathan and I continued, a sense of unity began to form between the us despite our tumultuous history. I couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for Jonathan's dedication to protecting his loved ones, mirroring his own fierce loyalty to his family.

"I get it, Jonathan. Family comes first, always," I said with a nod, acknowledging the unspoken bond we shared in our commitment to safeguarding those closest to us.

Jonathan's gaze held a newfound understanding as we set aside our animosity towards each other in the face of a common enemy. "Though we may not always agree, we both know what truly matters when push comes to shove," Jonathan spoke, his tone reflecting more contemplation than confrontation.

I couldn't help but nod in agreement, a sense of solidarity forming between us as we sat together in the hospital room, bonded by our shared tragedy. "We will make sure Marco and whoever he is working for pay for their actions, Jonathan. No one messes with our loved ones and gets away unscathed," I declared, my voice filled with determination that resonated with Jonathan.

Jonathan silently nodded in confirmation, a wordless promise passing between us as we prepared to face the challenges ahead. Despite our differences, we were united by a common goal that outweighed our personal grudges.

As we sat side by side, a new alliance forged from the ashes of tragedy, Jonathan and I vowed to bring justice to those who had sought to destroy everything we held dear. The road ahead would be treacherous and full of uncertainty, but together, we stood a chance against the forces threatening to tear our world apart.

The following day, I was discharged from the hospital. I arranged for Jonathan, Eriola, and their daughter to stay at my family's secluded mansion in Evergreen Valley. This hidden compound provides high levels of security and privacy, even my staff are not aware of its location for our own safety. As the sun began to set, I made my way to the kitchen where I found Eriola, Jonathan, and their adorable daughter who bore a striking resemblance to both of them.

"Hello everyone," I greeted them warmly.

Eriola greeted me with a warm smile as I took my seat at the end of the dining room table. Her daughter, with her striking purple eyes like her mother's, was sitting on her father Jonathan's lap. He was feeding her fruit while beaming at his little girl. It made me happy to see him in this loving state and to be trusted by him with his family.

"How are you feeling, Holden?" Eriola asked kindly.

"Much better, thank you," I replied, genuinely touched by her concern. "How have you all settled in? If there's anything you need, please let my staff know. And Eriola, if you have any specific food requests, our chef can prepare it for you."

Eriola stood up and proceeded to make me a plate of delicious food. Jonathan smiled at me and said, "You don't need to worry about a chef, my baby can cook. In fact, taste what she made." He poured me a glass of wine and added, "This will help with the pain."

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you, both of you." I cautiously took a bite of the food Eriola had prepared, and my eyes widened in surprise. "This is delicious. I didn't know you were such a great cook," I said, impressed by her culinary skills.

Eriola's cheeks flushed with a shy smile as Jonathan complimented her. She sat next to him, and he put his arm around her in a reassuring gesture. We ate in a rare moment of peace, but soon Jonathan and Eriola's little girl became fussy. Eriola stood up and took the baby from Jonathan, saying that she needed to put her down for the night. As she left, my youngest brother Nicholas hobbled into the kitchen and joined us at the table.

"Hey Nick," Jonathan greeted him.

Nick gave a half-smile and asked if we were comfortable and settled in. Jonathan nodded in response. As we ate, we discussed our plan of action against Marco and whoever else was involved in this terrifying ordeal. The three of us knew that we couldn't sit back and let them continue to terrorize our lives. We needed to take action soon before it was too late for all of us. Just as we were about to finalize our plan, the door suddenly burst open, and...

Dear Readers,

Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and unexpected twists as you delve into this gripping tale. The characters are about to face unimaginable challenges and confront their deepest fears. Keep your eyes peeled for subtle clues and hidden connections as the plot thickens. And just when you think you have it all figured out, be prepared for a cliffhanger that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Enjoy the suspense!

Happy Reading!

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