Episode 40: Jonathan (Get your fucking hands off my wife!)

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As I stormed into the bathroom, my heart raced and my anger boiled over. My wife, Eriola, was in the arms of another man - not just any man, but my enemy Holden Sterling. I had come to her workplace this morning with breakfast, as a surprise for her. But when I asked her boss where she was, Margaret said that Eriola had gone to the restroom and didn't look well. Naturally, I went to check on her.

But what I saw when I opened the door shocked and enraged me. Holden's hands were all over my wife. I stepped further into the bathroom, ready to knock him out if necessary.

"Get your fucking hands off my wife right now before I break your goddamn arms," I bellowed at Holden. Eriola tried to intervene, but I was in no mood for explanations.

"Eriola, get out of here right now and let me handle this with Holden," I snapped at her. She hesitated, clearly trying to protect him because she knew how my attitude was set up. I was about to fuck him up.

"If you don't leave right now, I will lose it and you don't want that to happen," I warned her before turning back to Holden. "You and I are going to have a little chat."

Eriola reluctantly left the bathroom while my guards stood outside the door. Holden may have been just as tall and buff as me, but that didn't matter because he had his hands on what belonged to me - and he was about to pay for it.

The nerve of this guy to have a smirk on his face. How audacious. "Well, well Jonathan, it looks like we meet again. This time, you're on the receiving end, aren't you?" he snickered.

I stood my ground. "So you think it's funny to make advances towards another man's wife? You're trying to break up a happy home and it's just a joke to you. We have a child together and you disrespect her by wanting to kiss her. Oh yeah, I heard your conversation outside the door." I growled at him.

We were standing face to face, both refusing to back down. "Well did you hear me tell her that I wasn't going to disrespect her or your marriage? And I don't believe for a second that you truly love her. You stupid bastard." Holden growled back at me. I almost wanted to laugh at his anger.

"So now you think I don't deserve the woman that I've known for almost 2 years? You must be out of your damn mind. And while we're on the subject of who deserves what, I found out that you were the one who pulled strings at the courthouse to delay my building permits for 2 months. But why though?" I replied.

Holden looked confused, as if he had no idea what I was talking about. "Jonathan, as much as I would love to stop you from building your damn hotel in my city, why would I prevent another man from making his money? I don't want your hotel in my city, but it's cute that you think I had something to do with it. And as for your wife, if I ever hear you yelling at her again, I'll fuck you up. Yes, my hands were on her because I care about her deeply, and if you hurt her like you've hurt every other woman in your life, you're a dead man." He roared in my face.

I was sick of him and pushed him up against the wall, elbow pressed into his neck. "Like I said, if I ever catch you even looking at, kissing, or touching my wife again, I won't hesitate to kill you. Got it?" I asked before removing my elbow and storming out of the restroom. My wife was standing at the end of the hallway. She had a worried and scared look on her face.

As I walked towards her, I could feel my anger boiling inside me. But since we were in her workplace, I wouldn't argue with her right now. We would handle this when we got home tonight. This was not something I would let slide. Yes, I have done some terrible things in our past, but damn it, I've been trying my best to be good. And now there's another man trying to lay claim on what's mine. Holden just started a war with me. And I was prepared to do whatever it took to protect what's mine.

"Jonathan, are you okay? What did he say to you?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. I could smell the scent of his cologne on her, and my fist balled up at my side.

With clenched teeth and a tight grip on her arm, I lead Eriola back to the conference room. Before she enters, I run my hand over her face, trying to erase any trace of him. My anger is boiling inside me as I pull her closer by her waist and whisper in her ear. Despite my rage, I can't help but kiss her deeply, tasting her sweetness. But I quickly pull away, reminding myself that this is not the time for passion. "You know you're mine, right?" I ask, waiting for her confirmation.

She mumbles a response, her eyes filled with fear. "I belong to you, just as you belong to me, Jonathan," she says. It hurts me to see her scared of me; my main role is to keep her and our children safe and supported.

I take a deep breath before speaking again. "Eriola, I love you so much, but what I saw hurt me deeply. We will talk more about it when we get home. Right now, I need to cool off. But remember, you are my wife and we will address this later." With a kiss on the cheek, I release her and watch her walk back into the conference room. As she disappears from view, I snap my fingers to signal my men to follow me. My anger is consuming me; all I want is to confront Holden Sterling and make him pay for touching what's mine.

Dear Readers,

As tensions rise and secrets unravel, what will happen next? Will Holden Sterling face the consequences, or will unexpected twists change everything? Stay tuned for the next gripping episode!

Happy reading! 

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