Episode 61: Eriola (Broken)

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We spent a few hours at my parents' house, chatting and laughing with everyone. Jonathan proudly introduced our trusted friends and bodyguards, Holden and Nicholas, to my family. As we prepared to leave, we exchanged hugs and made our way to the elevator. Miriam held our sleeping daughter in her arms. As we stepped outside, our SUV was already waiting for us with our security guards stationed outside, ready for any potential danger.

Holden took the keys from the valet while Nicholas opened the back doors for us. Miriam placed our baby bag inside before carefully securing Anya into her car seat. Jonathan pulled me close, kissing my neck as we laughed and joked together. But suddenly, gunshots rang out, shattering the peaceful evening. We dropped to the ground immediately. Everything went black.

I heard Jonathan's urgent voice telling me to get down as he pushed me onto the ground and covered me with his body. The sound of gunfire and screams filled the air. In a panic, I called out for Anya, but Jonathan reassured me that Holden had her. But then I saw blood coming from Jonathan's mouth. He told me not to worry, but I knew it was serious. I tried shaking him awake, calling his name over and over again, but he didn't respond. Finally, the gunfire stopped.

Nicholas rushed over to where Jonathan and I were on the ground. He and some other bodyguards pulled him off of me, allowing me to sit up. That's when I saw the gunshot wound in Jonathan's back, which had gone straight through his chest. I collapsed onto the ground next to him, tears streaming down my face as I pleaded for him to wake up and not leave me. But everything happened so quickly after that.

In a matter of moments, the ambulance had arrived, along with the police and news reporters. Holden held our daughter Anya while his brothers barked orders to the other bodyguards. All I could do was hold Jonathan and sob, planting kisses on his face and pleading with him to wake up.

My heart ached so intensely, it made me physically ill. The EMTs arrived to officially declare Jonathan's death, attempting to revive him to no avail. I couldn't bear to let him go, but Holden's brothers helped me up and led me to the SUV where they moved Jonathan's body.

In the midst of the commotion, I could hear our daughter crying, but I was in shock. Miriam joined me in the backseat of the SUV, holding me tightly in her arms. Meanwhile, Holden was speaking with the police before they swiftly took Jonathan away in a body bag.

Anya eventually drifted off to sleep in Holden's embrace, and he tenderly swayed her back and forth while I sobbed without restraint. Nicholas gave orders for Vince to drive us back home, a two-hour journey filled with intense grief as we mourned not only Jonathan, but also two more fallen bodyguards. The insanity of it all was too much to comprehend. We finally arrived at Jonathan and my home that night.

Holden asked Miriam to take Anya inside, giving me a chance to enter the house with his assistance. Honestly, I was grateful to have him and Nicholas by our side. Having just lost my husband, I didn't want to be alone. I could barely stand on my own, so Holden scooped me up and carried me into the house.

I cried into his neck, holding onto him for dear life. Instead of taking me to the master bedroom that was now empty since Jonathan's passing, he led me to his own room which was just as spacious. I was actually grateful, unable to bear sleeping in a bed that was meant for my husband and I.

He gently laid me down and removed my shoes while I continued sobbing uncontrollably. It seemed like there was a never-ending stream of tears pouring from my eyes. Holden took off his shoes and jacket before climbing onto the bed and pulling me into his arms, allowing me to cry it all out. His gentle voice whispered in my ear, encouraging me to let it all out and assuring me that he and his brothers were here for me, ready to support me in any way I needed.

He brushed my hair away from my face with tenderness. Eventually, exhaustion overtook me, and I drifted off to sleep. The events of today had been absolute hell, and losing my beloved husband was the most excruciating pain any woman could ever experience. How was I supposed to raise our daughter alone, without the love of my life? Life, as I once knew it, would never be the same.

As I slipped into unconsciousness, a single, haunting thought lingered: what would tomorrow bring in this shattered world without him?

Dear Readers,

As we follow this heart-wrenching episode in our story, remember that even in the darkest times, the bonds of family and friendship provide the light that guides us forward. Jonathan is dead! Eriola and Anya have a long, arduous journey ahead of them.

Eriola will need all the love and support to get her through the grieving process. The Sterling Brothers are there to assist in any way they can. But the big question remains: WHO KILLED JONATHAN? Stay tuned for the next chapter as she navigates the pain of loss and the hope for a brighter future.

Happy reading!

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