Episode 68: Jonathan's Will! Part 2

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Eriola's POV

As we exit the elevator, the waiting area is a hive of energy, filled with excited chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

"Good morning," I greet the receptionist, a plump woman with a welcoming smile. "I'm Eriola Covington, here to see Mr. Justice."

She consults her tablet before her eyes light up. "Ah, Mrs. Covington! Welcome to Justice Inc. Please, have a seat; Mr. Justice is just finishing up a call, and he'll be with you shortly." She gestures to the leather chairs.

Holden leads us to a pair of chairs away from the others, his large frame dwarfing the delicate furniture. We sit in silence as I absorb my surroundings. Art deco accents and floor-to-ceiling windows dominate the sleek office, exuding wealth and power. A perfect match for the enigmatic man I'm here to see. Accompanying us as bodyguards were Holden's brothers, Alexander and Nicholas, along with Vince, a close friend and long-time guard of Jonathan's.

Alexander and Nicholas take a seat in the leather chairs opposite us, while Vince stands behind us, scanning the room for any potential threats. Holden had the other guards remain outside, keeping an eye on the building and ensuring our safety.

As if on cue, the mahogany door opposite us swings open, revealing a man in his early fifties, his salt-and-pepper hair impeccably groomed, a sign of his notoriously fastidious nature. His ice-blue eyes, so similar to how Jonathan's were, sweep the room before locking onto mine.

"Mrs. Covington." His voice is deep and commanding, yet there's a hint of warmth in his gaze as he approaches us. We all rise to show him the full extent of respect he deserves.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear. Jonathan has spoken highly of you. My deepest sympathies for your loss to you and your little girl. Jonathan was a great man." He leans in and kisses me on both cheeks in the European fashion, a remnant of his upbringing.

I smile warmly as I approach him. "Good morning, Mr. Justice," I greet him. "It's an honor to meet you. These are my friends: Accompanying Holden Sterling were his brothers Alexander and Nicholas, as well as my bodyguard Vince a longtime friend my husbands." I pause to express my gratitude. "Thank you for your generosity."

He waves a hand, dismissing my thanks. "Think nothing of it. Jonathan was like a son to me. Please, come this way." He greets me with a smile, "Please follow me, dear," he says as we enter his office. I take a seat in front of his desk, accompanied by Holden and Little Anya asleep in his arms. I glance over at my daughter, then back at him and notice the strong bond between the two of them.

It's surreal to think that she'll be one year old soon. Unfortunately, Jonathan will not be able to celebrate his daughter's first birthday with us, but I have no doubt he is watching over her from above. A tear runs down my face, I quickly wipe it away.

He leans back in his chair, with a smile playing on his lips. "You know, Eriola," he begins, "Jonathan shared some fascinating things about you with me." I feel my cheeks flush involuntarily under his gaze.

"He always spoke highly of your brain, resourcefulness and creativity." I blush even more as I think back on the times we spent together in love. "He also mentioned you were quite the risk-taker, which is why he left you everything he owned."

My eyes widen at his revelation. "Everything?" I stammer, overcome with shock and gratitude. "But why me? Shouldn't it have gone to his family?"

Mr. Justice chuckles, "Jonathan made it abundantly clear that he wanted you to have everything. The companies, the houses, the cars, the private islands... everything," he emphasizes, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "He knew you could handle it all, and I have no doubt in my mind that you will thrive."

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