Episode 50: Holden (Jonathan Motherfucking Covington Part 2)

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I stand nose to nose with Holden. Our faces are equally flushed with anger. Jonathan's voice cuts through the tension, "Holden, I explicitly told you not to touch my wife. You're lucky this is a professional setting; otherwise, you'd be dead. And if it turns out you had any involvement with Marco and the shooting at my house this morning, your family will be arranging your funeral." I furrow my brow in confusion. What is he accusing me of?

I shake off my brothers' hold and approach Jonathan. "What are you talking about, me working with Marco? And orchestrating a hit on your house?" I ask incredulously. "Have you lost your fucking mind? Why would I send some lowlifes to your house when I know you have a wife and kid? I may have done a lot of shit in the past, but that's not something I would ever do - put innocent women and children in harm's way." I signal for my guards to release Jonathan so we can talk properly.

The only place where we can do that is in my office. Intrigued, I gesture for everyone to follow me back to my office. "Alexander, Nicholas, come with me," I say as we make our way there. When we get to the door, I open it and walk in, going around to my desk chair and taking a seat. "Please, take a seat," I offer to Jonathan. He sits down while his men stand behind him.

My brothers stand behind me as we sit there in silence for a few moments, both of us with bloody faces sizing each other up. Finally, I start the conversation.

"So Eriola told you what happened between us yesterday and now you're here assuming that I'm the one who ordered a hit on you and had some goons shoot up your house this morning," I state calmly, looking at his angry face and disheveled hair. "Do I have that right?"

Jonathan's nostrils flare, but he remains seated. "Well?" I prompt him again. "I'd love to hear your side of the story. I mean, why wouldn't you call me first and ask me about it rather than storming into my hotel with your goons?"

Jonathan lets out a deep sigh and runs his fingers through his hair, clearly stressed. "I don't know what I was thinking. Last night, I found out about your affair with Eriola. This morning, some armed men came to my house and shot at it while my wife and baby were inside. And then I received a call from Marco, who demanded $4 million dollars. But he's not the only one involved - he's just the middleman. It turns out Marco is working with one of my enemies from Russia."

I narrow my eyes. "Who?"

With a serious expression, Jonathan leans in closer, his voice low and intense. "I don't particularly like you, Sterling, but what I am about to reveal has to stay between us. Do I make myself clear?" Jonathan says sternly.

"Crystal clear. Now, continue." I reply sharply.

Jonathan leans back in his seat, taking a deep breath before revealing his true identity. "My name is Nectarious Yegor Arefyev, and I am Russian," he confesses. "My family moved to America when I was younger, but I eventually returned to my homeland and joined the Bratva - our family's mafia group. The person Marco is working for, known as 'The Collector', is really named Arkady Zorin. He's supposed to be a big shot in Russia, but in reality, he's nothing."

As Jonathan speaks, I struggle to process this new information. All along, I thought I was battling against Jonathan Covington, not the Russian Mafia. Sitting back in my chair, I try to make sense of it all.

"Why does Arkady Zorin want you?" I ask. "I understand why Marco is after you - he's still bitter about being fired for embezzlement a few years ago - but what does this have to do with us?"

Jonathan's frustration is palpable as he clenches his jaw. "Marco used to work for me six months ago," he explains. "But then I found out he was stealing money from my hotel in New York and dealing drugs through my organization. I had him arrested and sent to prison, but somehow he must have gotten out. It's all about power and control - Arkady wants to weaken me by targeting the people closest to me. Marco is just a pawn; if we can take down the bigger fish, we can neutralize him."

I exchange a knowing glance with my brothers as we absorb the gravity of the situation. "Let me make sure I understand," I say slowly. "You believe that Arkady wants to take you out so he can gain access to your companies or something along those lines? And where do we fit into all of this? Because last week, Marco approached me with some wild story about you moving to Evergreen Valley to expand your drug business. I told him to send me proof if it was true."

Jonathan growls in frustration. "Drugs? That asshole was the one dealing drugs through my hotel," he laments. "I hired him for his business acumen, and it was actually my accountant who discovered the missing $25 million. I have a wife and daughter here, and two sons in New York with my ex-wife - when would I have time to run a drug business? Marco is going to pay for this, and I didn't want to involve my connections in the Bratva, but he's left me no choice."

I close my eyes and massage my temples, trying to make sense of the tangled web of betrayal and deception unfolding before us. "How does my family fit into this mess? We have no involvement in Russian mafia business, we are simply hotel owners. And what about Marco? Is he just a middle man or is there something more going on?" I ask Jonathan, feeling overwhelmed.

He lets out a bitter scoff. "Marco is nothing but a pawn in Arkady's game. He's using him to get to me, leveraging his criminal connections for his own gain. As for you, Holden, you're just collateral damage. Arkady wants us to turn against each other. But considering I already hate you for sleeping with my wife, maybe we can put that aside and work together. You handle Marco and I'll take down Arkady."

As the pieces start falling into place, urgency overtakes me. "That sounds like a plan. We need to act fast before Marco and his new boss continue to threaten our families."

Jonathan agrees with a firm nod, readying himself for the fight ahead. "I'm done playing defense. It's time to take the offensive. And Holden, about my wife...she told me she has feelings for you. I expect you to respect our marriage. As arrogant as I may be, I do love her and our daughter. Our hotel construction is on hold until this mess is dealt with. That's all I'm asking."

I nod back, understanding the gravity of the situation now resting on my shoulders. "You're right Jonathan, and I'll do my best to respect your wishes. But I still think she can be an asset to our team."

We both know that we need to strategize carefully if we want to come out on top against these powerful enemies. But one thing is certain - we won't let them harm our loved ones without a fight. As we continue to discuss and plan our next moves, we will take down Marco and this Arkady and keep our family safe.

Jonathan takes a deep breath. "My wife and daughter are at my safe house. If she comes to work, she will be heavily guarded. I know you need your renovations done, and I don't want to scare her, but I want to keep her safe. Holden, as much as I hate you, can you promise me that if something happens to me, you will look out for my wife and daughter's safety?" he asks me.

I look at Jonathan, the weight of his words sinking in. "Yes, I will look out for them, Jonathan. But nothing will happen to you. We will get these motherfuckers. So let's put our differences aside for the sake of keeping our loved ones safe."

Just as we shake hands, the room shudders with a deafening explosion, cutting off our conversation and plunging us into chaos.

Dear Readers,

The stakes have never been higher! Jonathan and Holden's uneasy alliance is put to the ultimate test as danger closes in from all sides. With their loved ones' lives hanging in the balance, they must set aside their differences and confront a threat that could destroy everything they hold dear. What will happen next? Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode to find out!

Happy Reading!

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