Episode 11: Rumors

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Jonathan took his arm off of my shoulder and ushered me into the elevator with my boss. The three of us stood in silence as we waited for the elevator to reach our desired floor. Suddenly, Randy broke the silence by growling at me, "Eriola, when I said to do whatever it takes to make Jonathan happy, I didn't mean start a relationship with him."

"Relax, Randy. Our relationship will be strictly professional, so there's no need to worry," I retorted, rolling my eyes. I glanced over at Jonathan, who looked visibly angry at Randy's words.

I shifted my gaze towards the numbers above the elevator doors. We were about to reach the fifth floor. "Randy, don't talk to Eriola like that. Our personal lives are none of your business," Jonathan snapped back, his eyes dark with anger. "I'm paying your company to build my damn hotel, not for you to give me advice on who to sleep with. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear. But Eriola, I want to see you in my office right now. Jonathan, you can head into the conference room where your team is waiting," Randy barked as we exited the elevator.

He walked around Jonathan and shouted out, "MY OFFICE NOW MISS COLEMAN."

"Are you going to be okay, baby girl?" Jonathan asked me with a concerned expression.

I nodded my head and replied, "Yes, I'll be fine. Randy just has his panties in a twist this morning." We both laughed before he leaned down and kissed me goodbye before heading to the conference room. I took a deep breath and made my way down the long hallway towards Randy's office.

As I approached Randy's office, my heart raced with anticipation. I couldn't help but wonder what had put him in such a foul mood. It wasn't like him to be so abrupt and demanding. Taking another deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, casting an eerie glow over the cluttered desk and stacks of papers. Randy sat behind it, his face scrunched up in a permanent scowl.

"Ah, Miss Coleman," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "How kind of you to finally join me."

I suppressed an eye roll and plastered on a professional smile. "Good morning, Randy. Is there something you needed?"

He reclined in his seat and studied me intently, his eyes narrowed. "Come on in and take a seat, Eriola," he commanded. I obeyed and as soon as I sat down, he resumed speaking. "Are you involved with Jonathan, Eriola? I received a call this weekend from someone who claimed to have seen the two of you together."

My heart dropped. Someone watching me? That's insane. "We're adults. I have every right to date whomever I choose. There's nothing in the rules that explicitly forbids it. I don't care about this stupid drama," I responded firmly, my voice unwavering. "There is no mention in our policy about a client and architect being prohibited from dating. And let's not forget, isn't that how you met your last girlfriend? She was also a client of ours." I countered.

Randy's face flushed an angry shade of red, but he didn't deny it. "This is different," he stammered. "Jonathan Covington is a high-profile client, and we can't risk any rumors jeopardizing the company's reputation."

"I'm well aware of who Jonathan is, Randy. But as long as our personal lives don't interfere with our work, I don't see what the issue is." I said, my voice resolute. "Besides, if you're so concerned about 'rumors,' you should have a talk with yourself. I've heard quite a bit about your after-hours activities with some of our interns." I retorted, my voice icy.

Randy blanched, and for a moment, I thought I had finally gotten through to him. "This isn't over, Eriola," he hissed. "I have my eye on you. Don't think this is the end of it."

I stood up, my chair scraping against the hardwood floor. "I'll keep that in mind," I said, sarcasm dripping from my words. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a building to design." I turned on my heel.

Without another word, I exited his office, feeling a mix of frustration and determination coursing through my veins. I wasn't going to let his harsh words define me. I knew my worth and what I was capable of. I refused to stand by while these individuals in the office spread gossip about me and Jonathan dating. Half of them had their own rumors, far worse than our innocent romance. We're both single adults, and there's nothing wrong with that.

As I made my way down the hallway, I couldn't help but wonder if Jonathan was right about Randy's mood being just a temporary annoyance. Regardless, I was determined to prove myself and rise above any doubts or criticisms that were thrown my way.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door to the conference room, ready to face my team and tackle whatever challenges we would be facing. Whether Randy liked it or not, I wasn't going to let him dampen my spirit or hinder my progress. But just as I was about to speak, the door behind me opened again, and in walked a slim, pretty white woman with an air of confidence. The room fell silent, and I could feel the tension rising. Who was she, and why did she have everyone's attention?

Dear Readers,

Just when you thought the challenges ahead couldn't get any more complicated, a new character enters the scene, leaving everyone in the room and you wondering what will happen next. Who is this mysterious woman, and how will her presence impact the dynamics of the team? Keep reading to uncover the secrets and twists that lie ahead in the story. Stay tuned, because the next episode promises to deliver more surprises and drama!

Happy Reading!

Pagine D'Oro

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