Episode 15: Jonathan

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As I entered the house, I noticed my sons were engrossed in their game on the television. I turned to them and asked in a calm voice, "Have you both finished your homework?"

They didn't even look up from the screen, but I heard them mumble a collective "Yes, Dad" in unison. Knowing they tended to exaggerate the truth, I decided to check their backpacks. As I approached the study table in the corner of the room, I carefully looked through their backpacks. My suspicions were correct, and there it was, a sea of unfinished homework sheets.

"Boys," I said in a sterner voice this time, "I thought I told you to finish your homework before playing video games."

This time, they reluctantly looked up from the screen, their eyes filled with guilt. "Sorry, Dad," said Lucas, the younger of the two. "We just got carried away with the game."

"Well, I think it's time to turn off the game and get started on your homework," I replied, taking the game controller from their hands.

They grumbled and begrudgingly went to their respective rooms, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I remembered my own childhood and the many times I had pushed my homework to the last possible moment. However, as a parent, it was my duty to ensure they learned the value of responsibility and consequences. As the boys retreated to their own rooms, I trudged up the stairs to our master bedroom. Rachael was sitting at her vanity, applying makeup.

Slamming the door behind me, I stood behind her and stared at her reflection in the mirror with a scowl on my face. We sat in tense silence for a few seconds before I finally spoke up.

"Why are you just standing there, Jonathan? Did you come home from your whore's house tonight?" she hissed, letting out a chuckle at her own joke. It wasn't funny - I didn't love her anymore, but I didn't want to break up our family for the sake of our sons.

I couldn't hold back my anger any longer. I grabbed Rachael by the shoulders and pulled her up from the chair, slapping her across the face. She fell to the floor, now holding her cheek in pain. I was fed up with her constant meddling in my business - "I've warned you about getting involved in my personal affairs. Haven't I?" I shouted at her angrily.

Staring down at Rachael, sprawled on the floor clutching her cheek, I can't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. I enjoy having control, seeing the fear in her eyes as she looks up at me.

"We've been through this before, haven't we?" I ask, my voice low and menacing. The room is thick with tension. My muscles are coiled, ready to strike again if needed. She knows better than to provoke me.

"Told you time and again to keep your nose out of my fucking business," I spit out the words between clenched teeth. My hand moves instinctively towards my belt buckle. At the sound of the metal glinting under the dim light, Rachael tenses up.

My desire for control, for dominance, is primal. It's a thirst that's never fully quenched, no matter how deep I drink. The sight of her now only fuels this craving. Memories of our past encounters dance before my eyes, tantalizing and tormenting me all at once.

I kneel down beside her on the plush carpeted floor, watching her squirm uncomfortably under my gaze. "Look at me," I command. The way my voice echoes in the silent room sends a shiver down her spine.

Rachael lifts her eyes to meet mine - those dark orbs of hers filled with fear, defiance and...lust? Every fiber of my being awakens at this realization. Goddammit! The woman drives me fucking mad!

"No more games, Rachael," I seethe, my gloved hands curling into fists by my side.

She doesn't reply—smart girl—but her sharp intake of breath tells me enough: she's scared shitless, but there's something else there too—an undeniable spark of excitement that thrills and frustrates me.

I stand up abruptly, yanking her by the arm to do the same. "Clean yourself up," I order, my gaze hardening at the sight of her smeared lipstick and the red stain blooming on her porcelain skin.

I need a fucking drink, and she needs to understand the situation she's in. This isn't a game. It's not a fucking romance novel. This is my life, my rules, my world — and she's now an unwilling participant. As I stride away from her, I can't help but think about how this night is going to end. There's a storm brewing that I am certain. And when it breaks, it's going to be a night neither of us will forget. Ever.

Rachael locks herself in the bathroom for about 10 minutes before emerging with tears streaming down her cheeks. She takes a seat next to me on the bed and looks at me with a pained expression. "Jonathan, I want a divorce. We don't love each other anymore; why are we even pretending to be together? The only reason you married me was because I got pregnant. Please, let me live my life. You can see our boys whenever you want, but I just need to get out of this marriage."

Her words hit me hard, and I know she's right. We haven't been happy in a long time, and it's time to let go so we can both move on. "Okay," I say after a moment of contemplation. "We'll get a divorce, but I still want my sons every other weekend like we agreed upon in the prenup. And don't bring Eriola into this; she has nothing to do with our problems. Do you understand?" Rachael nods tearfully, and I make sure she knows I mean business by warning her not to come near my workplace again. Our marriage may be over, but I will always take care of her and our sons financially."

Rachael nods silently, her tears still flowing unchecked. I feel a pang of guilt as I watch her heartbreak unfold before me. Despite everything that has happened between us, she was once my partner, my confidante. Now, we're just two strangers bound by failed promises and shattered dreams.

"I'll make the necessary arrangements," Rachael whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll pack up my things and find a place of my own."

I nod in acknowledgment, the weight of our decision heavy in the air between us. "I'll have the papers drawn up by the end of the week," I promise, my tone firm but not unkind.

As she stands to leave, Rachael turns back to me, her eyes searching mine for any hint of regret or remorse. "Jonathan," she begins tentatively, "despite everything...thank you."

I meet her gaze steadily, my own emotions swirling beneath the surface. "Take care of yourself, Rachael," I reply softly, a flicker of tenderness breaking through the facade I've built around my heart.

With a final nod, she exits the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the echoes of our broken love lingering in the air. As I watch her retreating figure through the window, a sense of bittersweet relief washes over me. Our chapter together may be closing, but perhaps this ending is just the beginning of something new for both of us.

Dear Reader,

As you reach the end of this chapter, I hope you're feeling the complex emotions and the sense of unresolved tension that Jonathan is experiencing. This moment marks the end of a significant chapter in their life, filled with bittersweet memories and lingering questions. However, it's also a turning point that hints at new beginnings and uncharted paths.

What lies ahead for Jonathan and his newfound freedom? How will they navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way? Keep turning the pages to discover the next steps in their journey and the unexpected twists that await.

Thank you for being a part of this story. Your journey with these characters is just beginning, and I can't wait to share what comes next.

Happy reading!

Pagine D'Oro

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