Episode 21: Jonathan's Declaration

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 I tighten my grip on Eriola's delicate face and press her against the cold, stone wall by the window. The sunlight shines, and her eyes sparkle. The truth of my affair with Samantha pricks at my conscience, but there's no way I'd ever reveal it to my girlfriend, or will I.

While Eriola and I share mind-blowing moments of passion, Samantha is merely a fleeting distraction. My lovely woman, burdened by the recent birth of our child, is exhausted and lacking desire. But damn it, I have needs.

Samantha falls short in the bedroom, incapable of satisfying me as Eriola does. I don't even bother going down on her because she doesn't belong to me. She's simply an object to be used for my pleasure—a plaything whose lips are meant to please me.

I'll use protection when I fuck her. Only Eriola, the woman who lies beside me each night, is deserving of my bare touch. Cheating on her is an unforgivable act, for she is a good woman who gifted me with our daughter.

Yes, I've been distant and cruel towards Eriola. But can she blame me? Each time I see other men eyeing her with lustful intentions, a seething rage consumes me. She is mine, and no one will ever snatch her away from my grasp. Yet perhaps my cruelty is misplaced. Instead of lashing out at her, maybe I should communicate with Eriola—she is a good woman, after all—and I am undeniably captivated by her.

Relaxing my grip on her flushed cheeks, I lock my lips onto hers with a fiery intensity before pulling her tightly against my chest. "I'm sorry, sweet girl," I whisper tenderly into her ear as kisses trail down her throat, worshiping every inch of her body. The exquisite sensation of her softness envelops me completely.

Finally, Eriola succumbs to my desires, kissing me back and wrapping her delicate hands around my neck. "I love you, Jonathan," she whispers between fervent kisses, her voice filled with yearning. "I would never betray you. Please, just talk to me. If I'm not giving you enough attention, just tell me."

I assure her, my voice brimming with certainty, "I know you're not cheating on me. And honestly, yes, I have been with Samantha a few times. My hunger got the better of me when you denied me your affection. I understand you take care of our baby girl, but all I want is for us to spend time together and make passionate love. The day our daughter was born, I thought I had lost both of you." Whispers escape my lips as I nibble on her pulsating neck.

Tears cascade down her face as my hurtful words penetrate deep within her heart. Why do I cause her pain? What is wrong with me? Eriola continually grants me chances after chances, and she is the absolute love of my life. I adore her curvaceous figure, her exquisite brown skin, and those mesmerizing purple eyes—eyes that our daughter has inherited from her. God, I ache for release right now; desire consumes every fiber of my being.

"Please forgive me, sweet girl," I plead earnestly. "I am deeply sorry for hurting you again." But she doesn't believe a single word that spills from my remorseful mouth. She pulls away from our shared embrace and hastily lowers her skirt before storming over to the desk. Her sobs echo through the room as I approach, encircling her trembling form within my protective embrace.

"Why do you hurt me and cheat on me?" Her voice trembles with sorrow and confusion. "Is it because I take care of our daughter at night and work during the day? I don't deserve this treatment, Jonathan. Do you truly love Samantha? Is she more satisfying in bed than I am? Do you pleasure her with the same intensity?"

"No, my love. I don't make love to her like I do with you," I growl, a mix of regret and desperation lacing my words. "It was merely a quick encounter, nothing more. Once was in a drunken haze at the club—fucking her senseless in the bathroom. The other time was when you visited your parents and sister a few weeks ago. That's all." My admission tears at her fragile heart.

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