Episode 80: Back home where she belong.

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Holden's POV

The familiar walls of Eriola and Anya's home enveloped them once again, as midnight had long since passed and I held my woman tightly in my arms. I couldn't believe she was finally back with me after two agonizing months of being apart. Even Vanessa, my long-time fuck buddy, I had turned down in favor of waiting for Eriola. She was the love of my life, and no other woman could compare.

Though I knew she was still grieving, our love for each other would guide us through any trials that came our way. And now, we were complete with little Anya, who may not be my biological daughter but would always be considered as my own. She and her mother were a package deal, inseparable from one another in my heart and mind.

We were finally back in our home, the place where we belonged. Eriola's tight pussy was clenched around my dick, her body shaking with pleasure as I spilled my seed inside her. I couldn't help but kiss her passionately, overwhelmed with love for this woman who stole my heart.

We lay together, wrapped up in each other's arms, I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. "I have never loved a woman as much as I love you, Eriola," I whispered, kissing her on the forehead.

Her head rested on my chest as she traced the tattoos on my skin with her fingers. "I missed you too, Holden. I'm so glad we're back together." Her words filled me with warmth and happiness.

But then the thought hit me- should we tell our family members about the baby? We hadn't discussed it yet. Tomorrow I had to go see my parents and introduce them to Eriola, why not take her and little Anya with me and share our news?

"Love, my brothers and I are meeting our parents for dinner tomorrow. Why don't you and Anya come with us? That way I can introduce you to them properly and we can tell them about the baby." I held my breath, hoping she would say yes.

"I would love that, Holden!" Her eyes lit up with joy at the idea of sharing our news with our family. "Although...I think I want to wait a little longer before telling my own family about the baby."

I understood her hesitation- her family was not to pleasant to Eriola before. If I go with her to tell her parents about the baby, and they remember me from being with her and Jonathan, it might not make the best impression. I don't want to give her father any reason to judge Eriola.

In a sudden realization, Eriola connected Salvador's sudden interest in her land to something she had previously thought about him. "By the way Holden, Salvador also wants to build a casino here in Evergreen Valley." Anger boiled within me at the thought of this scum Italian trying to ruin our town.

"A casino? I had been considering expanding our hotel into a luxurious resort and casino combination. However, things have changed since you and Anya returned to my life. If we decide on the resort casino idea, there won't be a need for another one here." Eriola caressed my cheek, sensing my growing irritation.

"You still can, babe. We'll build it together and make it the best damn casino resort in all of Evergreen Valley! We won't let that asshole Salvador take away what's ours!" I growled, determination filling me.

Together with my love by my side, we could achieve anything. The Fucking Italian Mafia Don's want to mess with us? They have another thing coming for them! At that moment, I knew our future was bright together, no matter what obstacles life threw our way. With Eriola and Anya by my side, we could face anything- even a power-hungry mafia don like Salvador Moretti!

"There's something else I've been meaning to tell you, Eriola," I begin, feeling a shiver down my spine as her eyes meet mine. "I'm not exactly... normal. I've done things... dark things, that would make your blood run cold."

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