Episode 74: The Enemy and Me!

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Eriola's POV

It has been two long and lonely weeks since my beloved husband passed away. His absence weighs heavy on my heart, a constant ache that consumes me. Our daughter can sense my pain, and I see her struggling to find comfort in the emptiness of our home. But amidst the sorrow, I am grateful for Holden and his brothers who have stood by my side through this difficult time.

Their support and companionship have been a ray of light in the darkness, helping me to cope with the loss of my soulmate. I cherish their presence in my life and am thankful for their love and understanding during this painful period. Today, I brought my little girl with me to the office. Before leaving, I called Margaret to inform her that I would be coming in to work on Holden's hotel renovations. Due to the explosion, the hotel will be temporarily shut down while it undergoes remodeling.

Now, as I sit at my desk, my daughter is sleeping peacefully in her stroller. Walking over to the expansive window of my office, I can see the stunning Evergreen Valley, complete with its tall buildings and bustling activity. It reminds me a bit of New York City, a bit quieter. Tonight, Miriam and I have plans to meet at Jonathan and I home later in the evening.

Despite being a billionaire and not needing to work, I still choose to practice architecture. The thrill of creating something beautiful and functional never gets old for me. While I could easily start my own firm, there is a sense of camaraderie and collaboration that I enjoy when working alongside someone else's company. Managing employees is a responsibility that I only want for Jonathan's hotel, as it holds a special place in my heart.

As I stand by the window overlooking the breathtaking view of the city, my mind wanders to the possibilities for the land that I now own. Will I fulfill Jonathan's dream of building his luxury hotel, or should I sell the land to someone else? Suddenly, an idea strikes me - why not build some commercial offices instead? It would be a lucrative business venture and add even more value to the area. Yes, that just might be the perfect plan. I could use our last name and call it 'Covington Executive Suites'.

Lost in thought, I am brought back to reality by the sound of my office door opening. I spin around to see who has come in, and my heart jumps into my throat when I see who it is. Salvador Moretti. What could he possibly want? Holden warned me to avoid this man, but he's here in my office now. How can I possibly stay away from someone who may have played a role in my husband's death?

I straighten my posture, I brace myself for whatever he has to say or ask of me. I make my way to my office desk and motion for Salvador to join me. He does not have his entourage with him, leading me to believe they are nearby.

I recline in my chair and gaze at Mr. Moretti, who is sitting across from me with his stunning appearance. Despite his age, he exudes a strong sex appeal with his tattoos adorning his arms, neck, hands, and even one on his face. I can't help but think how attractive he is. It seems I am always surrounded by handsome men.

"Why are you here, Mr. Moretti?" I ask, trying to hide my apprehension.

He leans back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face as he crosses his legs. "Please, call me Sal," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I've come to talk about a business opportunity with you, Eriola."

My heart pounds loudly in my ears. I had a feeling he was here for something, but what? "I'm listening," I say cautiously, folding my hands on the desk in front of me.

Sal rubs his chin thoughtfully before he speaks, "I heard about your recent loss, and I want to extend my condolences." His eyes are as cold as ice, and I wonder how genuine his words are. "I also heard you're thinking of selling the undeveloped land your husband was so set on developing?"

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