Episode 66: Holden (The enemy!)

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The sun was already high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the city as Eriola and I woke up from our morning of passion. As we lay tangled in sheets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about the events that were set to unfold today. But in this line of work, there was no room for hesitation or doubt. I had a job to do, and it involved dealing with two men who could not be trusted – Marco and Arkady. Two men that I intend on killing.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, showered and got dressed, knowing that I needed to head to the warehouse where my two enemies were being held captive. It was a necessary evil, one that required careful planning and execution. My brothers and some of Jonathan's men – now also under my command – gathered in the big office to discuss our next move.

As I sat behind the large desk, surrounded by my loyal companions, I lit a cigar and leaned back in my chair. The smoke curled around me, adding to the tense atmosphere as Vince spoke up.

"Boss, how are we going to handle these motherfuckers?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"We leave at noon for the warehouse," I replied. "But something doesn't feel right about this whole situation. Look at how easily we were able to capture them. That makes me nervous. Inquire with the guards and assess the current situation with those troublesome individuals. Assign ten skilled members of our team to guard the premises so we can proceed without any unexpected incidents."

My past was filled with unsavory deeds and ruthless actions, but even I had lines that I wouldn't cross. And betraying an alliance, especially one formed out of mutual respect and trust, was one of them. Jonathan may not have been a friend, but he became an important ally before his untimely death. And now, it was my duty to fulfill the promise I had made to him. As my brother Alexander looked over at me with a knowing smile, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination and pride.

"We may be small town boys, but we know how to handle ourselves in a war," Alexander announced confidently. And as we finalized our plans, I knew that no matter what happened, we were ready for whatever came our way.

As the clock neared noon, tension hung thick in the air of the dimly lit office. Vince, a burly man with a scar running down his left cheek, shifted uneasily in his seat as he updated me on the condition of our prisoners.

"Boss, the guards that are guarding Marco and Arkady said they're being real quiet. No trouble whatsoever. They also mentioned that they didn't eat much of the food we brought them."

A vague unease grew in the pit of my stomach as I straightened up in my chair. "Make sure our guards are on high alert. I have a bad feeling about this that someone might try to rescue them," I said, my voice low and dangerously calm. "Alexander, gather our men. We're leaving for the warehouse now."

As we headed to the warehouse Jonathan used it as his makeshift prison. We pulled in front of the warehouse, it was four SUVs deep. Vince was driving mine, and Alexander in the second one. Two more followed us close behind carrying the rest of our men. I assigned my brother Nicholas and a few other trusted men to stay at the house with Eriola, Miriam, and Anya.

The raging storm outside had me on edge, and I couldn't bear the thought of anyone being in danger. Every creak and rumble of thunder made me jump, but I forced myself to stay calm for the sake of my loved ones.

My men trailed closely behind as I stepped out of the car. We made our way to the warehouse door, and the guard acknowledged me with a nod. I entered the building with my brother Alexander, accompanied by five of our comrades: Ivan, Alexei, Dmitri, Vladimir, and Nikolai.

Four guards surrounded Marco and Arkady. I took out a cigar and.....lit it, the smoke wafting lazily in the stagnant air. The sight of Marco and Arkady, trapped like rats, gave me a twisted sense of pleasure. Hearing their whimpers, their pleas, I smirked and blew out a ring of smoke.

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