Episode 76: Dinner with Salvador! Part 2

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Eriola's POV

As soon as we arrive at the restaurant, Salvador and I are struck by its elegant and stunning appearance. My mind swirled with thoughts of how things ended between Holden and I, and a wave of sadness washed over me. My heart felt heavy as I replayed our last moments together in my head, the words left unsaid and the tension that hung in the air. A knot formed in my stomach, a mix of regret and longing for a different outcome.

The ache in my chest grew stronger as I thought about telling him to stay away from me was stupid. I do love Holden, but my heart is still aching for Jonathan. I think we do need some time apart for a few days. So doing that time I will be at my house until I get my mind and heart together. Salvador and I took our seats at the table, which was beautifully arranged. Before I knew it, the waiter appeared to take our order.

"I'll have the grilled salmon with asparagus," I said softly, my mind still far away. Salvador raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on my melancholy mood.

The waiter turned to Salvador with a polite smile. "What can I get for you, sir?" he asked.

"I'll have the t-bone steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a side salad," Salvador replied confidently. He then turned to me with a grin and added, "And let's also have your best bottle of wine, please. Oh, and could you bring two glasses to the table as well?" The waiter took down the order and walked away from our table, leaving us to enjoy our meal.

The waiter walks away to fulfill our order, leaving me alone with Salvador. His eyes, a deep and intense shade of blue, lock onto mine with a fiery intensity that sends shivers down my spine. In that moment, I know there's no turning back.

"So Salvador," I begin, trying to maintain a professional tone despite the attraction pulsing between us, "what do you want with me? Why would you want to do business with me, your enemies' wife? My husband is dead, and from what I understand, you two didn't get along." My words are sharp and tinged with bitterness, but I can't help wanting to know his true intentions. What does he really want from me? There's something about him that draws me in, despite the danger and uncertainty that surrounds us.

Salvador leaned in, his voice low and seductive, a deep timber that sends shivers down my spine. "Eriola, cara mia," he whispered in Italian, using a term of endearment. Little did he know, I am fluent in the language."My dear, our business arrangement has nothing to do with your late husband. Besides," he added, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips, "I have my ways of finding out anything I want to know about anyone."

His eyes lingered on mine for a moment too long, making my heart race. "Moreover, I am eager to collaborate with you because of who you are, Eriola. I have thoroughly researched your work and know that you are an exceptional architect and a remarkable woman. And I must admit, I am intrigued." A grin spread slowly across his face.

Just then, the waiter came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He poured the wine into our waiting glasses and Salvador thanked him. I took a sip of my wine and couldn't help but smile.

"So," I started again, clearing my throat and trying to regain my composure, "what do you want me to build for you, and why me?" I asked, setting down my glass and meeting his gaze head-on, my professionalism returning.

"Ah, business first," Salvador chuckled, feigning disappointment before pouring himself another glass of wine. "Very well, Eriola. I have a proposition for you: design and construct a new casino for me that will surpass all other luxurious establishments in Evergreen Valley. I believe in your abilities, which is why I've sought you out for this project. However, in order to proceed with my plans, I need to acquire the land currently under your care. Not only do I envision this casino creating job opportunities within the community of Evergreen Valley, but the location itself is perfect for such an establishment."

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