Episode 39: Eriola (Unexpected Encounters)

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I never imagined that I would cry in front of my husband and reveal the truth about my volatile relationship with my father. It's a terrifying thought for me, but I couldn't keep up the facade any longer. My family has always been a sensitive topic for me, which is why I never mentioned them to my husband.

The only person who truly cares about me is my sister. Even my best friend, Jasmine, has been trying to reach out to me since I moved to Evergreen Valley, thanks to my sister giving her my number. But at this point, I can only trust Miriam and Jonathan, the people who is now my family.

Now I have to face the consequences and confront my father, who will not let this go easily. As Jonathan looks at me with genuine concern, he asks if I'm okay to go to work today. It's clear that he just wants to ensure my well-being.

I wipe my tears and nod, saying that I'll be fine. I can't let my personal issues get in the way of my job. Plus, work has always been an escape for me — a place where I can immerse myself in the worlds of fictional characters and momentarily forget my own troubles.

As I prepare for another day at work, my mind is filled with potential conversations I may have to have with my family, especially my father. This could mean traveling back to New York. I reluctantly pulled away from Jonathan's embrace as he continued to stare at me. After grabbing some clothes from the walk-in closet, I got dressed in a beautiful white skirt set and added some light jewelry.

My natural curls were looking great today, so I left them down and pinned one side up. A little bit of makeup and I was ready to go. I walked out of the bedroom, I noticed Jonathan on his phone. I didn't pay much attention though, knowing that it was probably work-related. After spraying some expensive perfume gifted to me by my husband, I grabbed my Chanel bag and briefcase before heading out to meet Margaret at the Sterling hotel. We had some contracts to finalize and renovations to discuss.

Jonathan put down his phone and came up behind me, kissing my neck. "You look good enough to eat," he whispered, making me blush. He swung me around to get a better look at my outfit. Despite being slightly older than me at 45, he was still incredibly attractive and experienced in the bedroom.

"Do you think this outfit is too short?" I asked flirtatiously, winking at him.

He pulled me closer and I could feel his hard dick through his towel. "No, it's not too short," he growled seductively in my ear. "But it does make for easy access in case I want to bend you over in your office and drive my hard dick into you." He left a mark on my neck before pulling away, asserting his ownership over me.

I smiled up at him with love in my eyes. "I never have to worry about you cheating on me," he said, reassuringly. "Just to let you know that, our baby is with Miriam."

I nodded and gave him another kiss before grabbing my phone, purse, and briefcase. I started walking out of the room, eager to get going. As I passed by Jonathan, he smacked me on the ass and winked in his usual flirty manner. I laughed as I made my way to the front of our expansive home, a mini mansion more suitable for 100 people rather than just the three of us. Our driver Dave opened the door to the town car and I slid into the backseat with ease.

During the drive into town, I couldn't help but think about the last night's events and how it had reignited a fire inside me. My body ached in all the right places, aching for more of Jonathan's attention tonight after work. Pulling up to the Sterling hotel, I thanked Dave and got out of the car.

The Sterling Hotel stood out as the most opulent construction in Evergreen Valley. As a grand hotel towering over downtown, it primarily catered to business travelers. Despite its small-town origins, Evergreen Valley was rapidly developing into a thriving city. My family and I currently reside on the outskirts of town, and I couldn't be happier with our location.

As I entered the lobby, I headed straight for the elevators, my heels clicking on the marble floor. Reaching the conference room which was recently move on the second floor, I swiped my keycard and pushed open the door.

Holden made sure that only authorized individuals had access to the keycards for this project. He spared no expense in transforming this room into a spacious work area for my team and me. When I entered, Holden and his associates, including his brothers Alexander and Nicholas, were having a conversation.

As I walked further into the conference room, I saw my boss, Margaret, who had a big smile on her face. "Welcome back to work," she whispered to me as she leaned in. I chuckled and smiled back at her. "How does it feel to be married?" she asked.

"It feels good. We've been going to therapy and I can see positive changes in Jonathan, so I'm happy," I replied to Margaret with a smile still on my face.

"That's great. Let me catch you up on what you missed during your honeymoon. Not much has happened since you were working during that time," Margaret said as she proceeded to update me on everything related to the Sterling Hotel project. As I stood there, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up and saw Holden staring directly at me. My body immediately tensed up.

"Pssst! Eriola, did you hear what I said?" Margaret asked me.

"Yes, Margaret, I heard everything. Excuse me for a moment, please. I need to use the restroom," I replied as I hurriedly made my way out of the conference room and headed straight for the ladies' room. Once inside, I checked under the stalls before leaning against the wall for a moment. This bathroom looked more like a large bedroom than a restroom. What the hell? Okay then.

I walked over to the sink and splashed some water on my face. Suddenly, I heard the door open and then lock shut. When I looked up, I saw Holden standing there. Oh dear God.

"Holden, you can't be in here. This is the ladies' room," I hissed at him, still dripping water on my face.

He stepped towards me and reached out to pull me into his embrace. "Eriola, I don't care that this is the ladies' room. I needed to speak with you privately," he said softly, leaning in to smell my neck. I pushed him away and he noticed my wedding ring.

"What the hell? You and Jonathan are married?" He exclaimed, jumping back. I stepped away from him for a moment.

"Holden, please don't shout at me. It makes me nervous. And yes, Jonathan and I are married now. We also have a daughter together." I explained calmly.

"I don't care about any of that, Eriola. I can't deny my feelings for you." Holden replied, walking closer to me again and never breaking his gaze. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." He whispered, leaning in to kiss the side of my neck. I let out a soft moan, feeling turned on despite knowing this was wrong. Holden held me tighter and I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. But I had to stop this before it went any further. Pushing Holden away, I took a step back to catch my breath.

"Holden, we can't do this. I'm a married woman, and please respect that or I will have Margaret assign your project to someone else." I hissed at him, both angry and aroused.

Holden looked at me and walked closer, pulling me by the waist once more. Taking a deep breath, he spoke up again. "Cupcake, I'm sorry. I don't want to cause you any distress. The truth is, I'm incredibly attracted to you – almost as if I love you. Can you feel how excited you make me?" He paused before admitting, "But out of respect for your marriage, I'll keep my distance. Just let me taste your lips once, that's all I ask."

I thought about his proposal for a moment. As much as I wanted to give in to my desires, I couldn't break my promise to Jonathan. I intended on staying faithful to him.

But then, before I could respond, the door behind us creaked open, and a familiar voice said, "What's going on here?"

Dear Readers,

Holden walked into the bathroom where Eriola was. What will happen next? Who is the unexpected intruder, and how will they change everything? Stay tuned to find out in the next episode!

Happy reading! 

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