Episode 24: Holden (The enemy at my door)

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 My brother Nicholas and Caroline barged into my office and took a seat in front of me, I couldn't help but be relieved that I wasn't masturbating at the moment. Not that I would actually do something like that.

"What's so unbelievable?" I asked hesitantly, not sure what they were about to tell me.

Nicholas took a deep breath before excitedly sharing, "While Caroline was wrapping up her work and I was researching for an architectural firm, I stumbled upon one right here in Evergreen Valley: 'Evergreen Architectural Solutions' owned by Margaret Warner. And get this - she's married to Matthew Warner, who runs the financial group downtown."

"Seriously? That's great news. Can you set up a meeting with them as soon as possible?" I asked eagerly, hopeful that they could help turn the hotel's fortunes around.

Caroline's smile widened. "In fact, we've already reached out to Margaret and she's more than willing to meet with us today at 4 PM. She's excited to hear about our proposal and its potential benefits for the town. She also mentioned having a new architect on her team who is quite skilled. They should be arriving in an hour. The newly hired architect has been working with her company for the past half year, so let's see what they have to offer." Caroline replied with a smile directed at me.

Nicholas chimed in, "We thought it would be best if you two took the lead on this one, since you both have a knack for convincing people. Besides, we need to continue our own research and see how else we can help the hotel."

I nodded in agreement, standing up from my chair and straightening my suit. "Thanks, you two. I owe you one. Just make sure you're available if we need your expertise." My brother left the room, I turned to Caroline and grinned.

"Shall we plan a nice welcome for Margaret and her new architect? It's already 3pm, so maybe we can order some pastries from the bakery and also get some fruit, cheese, and beverages to go with it. We should show them how much we appreciate their time."

Caroline nodded enthusiastically, "I love that idea. I'll go to the bakery right now and ask Sophie to handle the drinks and snacks. We only have a short time left, so I'll take care of it quickly. Let's set up the conference room." With that, she hurried out of the office.

I strolled over to the large window in my office and slipped my hands into my pockets. I gazed out at our city, taking pride in its smallness and uniqueness. This was our city, and we didn't need any other hotels here besides our own: Sterling Grand Hotels. We were determined to turn things around and make this city thrive. With the Warners' help, I knew we could do it.

After what seemed to be 20 minutes of me just standing to my window looking over Evergreen Valley I decided to make my way to the conference room. As I entered the conference room, Caroline and Sophie were busy arranging pastries, fruits, cheese trays and beverages on the tables.

Caroline turned to me with a smile and said, "The pastries are ready and Sophie just finished setting up the drinks and snacks on the smaller table. Everything is falling into place." She grinned at me.

I smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you, Caroline. You're always so efficient."

Caroline waved off the compliment. "It's all part of the job. Besides, I'm excited to meet Margaret and her new architect. This could be a game-changer for us."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Nicholas poked his head in. "They're here," he announced with a grin. "Shall we go greet them?"

I straightened my tie, feeling a rush of anticipation. "Let's make a good impression. Lead the way, Nicholas."

After a brief 2 minute absence, Nicholas reappeared in the conference room accompanied by Margaret Warner and a stunningly beautiful black woman with curvaceous hips that would make even my mother weak in the knees. Both women wore welcoming smiles, but the architect exuded an air of confidence that I found appealing. The black woman was breathtakingly gorgeous, with unique purple eyes that I had never seen before. My heart raced as she turned me on just by standing there.

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