Episode 32: Jonathan (Counseling)

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Eriola & Jonathan while in Counseling!

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Eriola & Jonathan while in Counseling!

For the past two weeks, Eriola and I have been attending counseling sessions to address my jealousy and anger issues. Today, we're back in Dr. Benjamin's office, talking through our struggles.

Dr. Benjamin: (sitting back in his chair, looking between us) "So, Eriola, what is it that you'd like to address today regarding Jonathan's anger and jealousy issues?"

Eriola: (taking a deep breath) "Well, Dr. Benjamin, it's been really tough. Jonathan's jealousy has been causing a lot of tension between us. Whenever I talk to another man, even if it's just a friend or colleague, he gets visibly upset. It's affecting our relationship, and I don't feel like I can be myself anymore." Hearing Eriola's words stung, but I knew she was right. I clenched my fists, trying to keep my emotions in check.

Dr. Benjamin: (nodding) "Thank you for sharing that, Eriola. Jonathan, how do you feel when Eriola interacts with other men?"

Jonathan: (sighing) "I know it's irrational, but I can't help it. I just get this knot in my stomach and my mind starts racing with all these worst-case scenarios. I feel like I'm not good enough for her, and that she'll find someone better."

Dr. Benjamin: "It's good that you're aware of these feelings, Jonathan. Jealousy often stems from insecurities and fear of loss. Have you talked to Eriola about these fears?"

Jonathan: (shaking my head) "Not really. I guess I'm afraid she'll think I'm weak or that I'm being unreasonable." Eriola reached out and held my hand, her touch both comforting and grounding.

Eriola: "Jonathan, I love you and I'm here for you. But I need you to trust me. Your jealousy makes me feel like you don't believe in our relationship."

Dr. Benjamin: "Eriola, it's important that Jonathan hears that you love him and that you're committed to your relationship. Jonathan, can you share what you think might help you manage these feelings better?" I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words.

Jonathan: "I think... maybe if I focused on building my self-esteem and addressing my insecurities, it might help. I know I need to trust Eriola more."

Dr. Benjamin: "That's a great start, Jonathan. Building self-esteem is key. Eriola, how can you support Jonathan in this process?"

Eriola: "I can reassure him more often and be patient when he feels insecure. I can also make sure to include him in my social interactions so he feels more secure."

Dr. Benjamin: "Excellent. And Jonathan, it's crucial that you communicate openly with Eriola about your feelings. Instead of reacting with anger, try expressing your fears and insecurities. This will help Eriola understand you better and support you." I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and determination.

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