Episode 81: Salvador (Eriola! Eriola! Part 1)

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Three days had passed since I arrived in New York, and I found myself sitting in my lavish office, receiving a pleasurable blow job from a young, sexy woman named Renee. Her mouth felt incredible at this moment, but it wasn't Eriola, the woman I truly desired. In order to get aroused, I closed my eyes and imagined the girl before me was actually Eriola. With a fierce grip on her blonde head, I thrust my cock deep into her throat, releasing grunts of pleasure as I reached my climax and spilled my seed down her willing throat.

"Fuck, baby girl! You sure know how to suck some dick," I growled satisfactorily as I pulled out. Reaching for a napkin on my desk, I cleaned myself off and took a moment to catch my breath.

"Sal, you said we were going to fuck tonight. I want more than just your cock in my mouth," the blond beauty mumbled with disappointment. Rolling my eyes, I reminded myself that she knew what kind of relationship this was - strictly physical.

"Look Renee, this is not a relationship. If I want your pussy, I will fuck it. Tonight, I just needed a blow job to release some stress. Now shut the fuck up and go clean yourself up in the bathroom. Or you won't be staying in that comfortable apartment that I'm paying for," I snapped impatiently. Renee was a nice young lady, but she was too clingy and seemed to think that I was her boyfriend. As I pushed my now-softened dick back into my pants and zipped them up, I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed.

Walking over to the mini-bar, I poured myself a scotch and took a long sip before making my way to the large window overlooking the bustling city below. The lights of New York twinkled like stars against the dark backdrop of night, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of power and control as I stood there, surveying my kingdom. My empire was growing, and soon enough, I would be untouchable.

But with great power, comes great responsibility... and an even greater risk of someone trying to take it all away. My mind wandered back to the beautiful Eriola, a familiar pang of desire and longing hit me like a ton of bricks.

My heart clenched at the thought of Eriola being with Holden. I had sent some men to keep an eye on Evergreen Valley and report back to me, but I couldn't bring myself to ask them for updates. Instead, I tried calling Eriola multiple times, hoping to talk about the business proposition I had offered her. Yet she never answered any of my text messages or phone calls. It infuriated me, but at the same time, it pained me not having her in my arms. She had gotten under my skin in a way no other woman ever had, and it tore at me knowing that she was out of reach.

I downed another swig of scotch, relishing in its burning sensation as it traveled down my throat. With each passing minute, my frustration grew until suddenly, an idea began to form in my head. A plan so twisted and diabolical that it just might work. If I couldn't have Eriola willingly in my life, then maybe I'd just have to make her mine... by any means necessary.

As I was devising my plan, Renee emerged from the bathroom and wrapped her arms around my waist. I pushed her away immediately; I didn't want her getting the wrong idea or expecting any kind of commitment from me.

"Sal, what's wrong? I'm trying to comfort you," she whimpered.

I knew she was genuinely trying to help, but I couldn't reciprocate her feelings. Turning to face her, I spoke sternly, "Renee sugar, I appreciate everything you do for me and enjoy your company. But please understand that this is not a committed relationship."

She nodded slowly and took a deep breath before responding, "I understand, Sal. Thank you for clarifying things for me."

Without another word, Renee grabbed her jacket and purse and left my office. It was for the best; she knew our arrangement and sometimes acted like I was her man. But I couldn't deny my feelings for Eriola, even after taking her husband from her. I had thought there was a spark between us, but now it seemed like wishful thinking. Finishing off my scotch, I was interrupted by the entrance of two of my men.

My right-hand man and younger brother Amadio, and my son Capo Natale, entered the room with beaming smiles on their faces as if they had just won the lottery.

"Sal, we have some news about that little bitch you've been asking about," Amadio said, smugly.

"Spill it," I demanded, my heart racing with a mix of anticipation and dread.

My blood boiled with jealousy and rage at the thought of anyone hurting her. Capo Natale informed us, "She's still in Evergreen Valley with that guy Holden. But here's the kicker: she's about 5 weeks pregnant by him as well, boss."

Laughter erupted around me, but I couldn't find amusement in this situation. Eriola was sleeping with Holden every night, and now she was carrying his child. What the hell was going on?

"That little slut." Amadio snickered like it was some kind of joke.

I shot up from my desk, slamming my fist down hard enough to crack the wood. "If I hear you disrespect her again, I will put a bullet through your eyes. Are we clear?" I barked at him before taking a seat in my office chair.

"Yes, sir!" Amadio quickly replied, leaning back on the couch.

"What's the matter, boss? You got a soft spot for the little hoe?" Natale snickered, smirking at me.

I glared at him, my eyes narrowed to slits. "Watch your mouth, Natale. She's not just any slut off the streets; she's special." My men exchanged confused glances, but I didn't care about what they thought. Eriola was mine, and I would do whatever it took to make her mine once and for all- even if it meant destroying everything she held dear.

"My goodness, Pop. I've never seen you act this way over a woman before, let alone a black woman," the young man exclaimed.

"Well, my dear nephew," Amadio interjected. "Your father was quite the player back in his day. He had his way with women of all kinds, especially those with darker skin."

"Wow, I never would have guessed that about you, Pop. But then again, we don't really care who you sleep with," the young man declared callously.

"Natale, please. Show some respect. Yes, I do enjoy the company of black women, but it's not always easy to find someone decent and worthy of my affection," I chimed in, feeling frustrated by their flippant attitudes.

"How about we all focus on more important matters? Like getting my plane ready for tomorrow morning when I head back to Evergreen Valley. Natale, please book me a Penthouse for at least a month," I commanded as they both scurried out of the room to follow my orders.

Once again, I was left alone in my thoughts as I contemplated the complexities of relationships and how societal expectations can cloud our judgments. I took my phone and dialed Eriola's number one last time before showing up in Evergreen Valley and claiming my woman. I don't give a fuck if she's pregnant with Holden's baby. She is mine.

Miraculously, she answered on the first ring. "Sal, to what do I owe this pleasure?" she drawled out her words, feigning disinterest.

"I've been thinking about that proposition I offered you before, Eriola. I'd like to see if we can still make it work," I purred into the receiver, my voice low and dangerous.

"Sal, I-" she began to protest, but I cut her off.

"No excuses, just meet me at my penthouse at the Evergreen Hotel tomorrow night at 8 pm sharp. And come alone, understood?" And before she could respond, I hung up the phone with a sense of satisfaction. Tomorrow night, I would show her just how much I cared. And if she didn't play her cards right, she might just regret ever turning me down.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for diving into another intense episode! In this chapter, we see the complexities and darker aspects of Sal's character, his ruthless pursuit of power, and the raw emotions he harbors for Eriola. Sal's internal conflict between his physical relationships and his deeper feelings for Eriola adds layers to his persona, making him a compelling yet controversial figure.

I hope you enjoyed the vivid depiction of Sal's struggle and the intricate dynamics at play. As always, your thoughts and feedback are invaluable to me. Feel free to share your impressions and predictions about Sal's next moves and Eriola's fate.

Stay tuned for more twists and turns in the upcoming episodes!

Happy Reading!

Pagine D'Oro

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