Episode 34: Holden(BOOTY CALL)Part 1

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After Eriola left, I returned to my office. As I sat in my chair, I couldn't help but think about her and the effect she had on me. "Fuck!" I shouted in frustration, spinning my chair around to look out the window. In this moment of desperation, I knew there was only one option - call one of my old booty calls. 

Vanessa Ruiz, a beautiful Latina with long brown hair and hazel eyes, was always up for a friends with benefits arrangement. Our physical chemistry was undeniable, but we both knew that a real relationship between us wouldn't work. She didn't want marriage or children, two things I desired.

But for now, she was the only solution to satisfy my immediate needs. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. We typically met every 4 to 6 months, sometimes when she needed stress relief and other times when it was just convenient for both of us. It worked well for our friendship and sexual desires.

"Hello Holden, it's been a while," Vanessa answered with a chuckle. "Which woman has you wrapped around her finger this time?"

I took a deep breath before answering her. "Nessa, it's my new architect. She's helping renovate the hotel and God damn it, she is stunning. I can't stop thinking about her and I want her in bed with me every night."

Vanessa burst into laughter. "Oh Holden, are you sure you want me tonight? Or will you be too busy fantasizing about her?" Her words hit a nerve, but I couldn't deny my physical needs any longer.

"I don't care," I replied stubbornly. "Just come over and bring that sexy body of yours so I can enjoy your pleasure." She agreed to come over in 30 minutes, wearing something provocative as requested.

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't shake off the desire for Eriola. She was the only one I truly wanted, but until I could have her, Vanessa would have to do. After all, she was always willing to let me use her body for my own enjoyment, just as I did for her. But deep down, I knew it wasn't enough. A scowl etches deep lines onto my face. I'm fucking pissed. Pissed at this situation, pissed at myself for wanting what I can't have.

I pour two fingers of whiskey into a crystal glass, the amber liquid catching the dim light of my office. My thoughts are messy, just like this whole fucking situation.

"Damn Eriola," I grumble into my drink, taking a deep gulp of the potent liquor. Her image floods my mind again; her gentle curves, that teasing smile. "I want to bend her over my desk...feel every inch of her body...hear her whisper my name." My groan of frustration resonates in the room.

After finishing my drink, I rise from my desk and prepare to head home. Vanessa tells me she'll be ready in 30 minutes. As I approach my SUV, Nelan, my personal driver and bodyguard, opens the door for me. Tomorrow, I need to talk to my team, including my two brothers. Nelan gets in up front and starts to drive heading to my home.

"Where are we headed, boss? The mansion or the penthouse?" he inquired. Indeed, I own two residences: a sprawling mansion and a penthouse I use when I want company for the night.

"I'm heading to the penthouse this evening. I have a guest coming over," I responded. Nelan nodded in acknowledgment.

When we arrived at the penthouse, I swiftly climbed out of the car and headed upstairs while Nelan parked my car in the underground garage. Entering my apartment, I quickly prepared two glasses of red wine and dimmed the lights. I sat down on the couch, legs crossed, waiting for Vanessa's arrival.

But in my mind, it was Eriola who filled my thoughts...

The doorbell rings, signifying Vanessa's arrival. I take one last look at the drinks, and a part of me is tempted to pour them both down the drain. But I can't be selfish. I need to appease her too, as we had an agreement after all. I open the door with feigned enthusiasm, a smile plastered on my face. "Vanessa, looking as ravishing as ever," I say, kissing her cheek.

She steps inside, her eyes taking in the dimmed lights and the glasses of wine. I guide her to the couch, the tension between us palpable.

"Thank you, Holden. This place hasn't changed a bit," she says, glancing around for any change of my place since the last time she was here.

"Well, Doll, nothing's changed except my bed sheets. Come on in and make yourself comfortable," I say, gesturing for her to enter. Vanessa walks in, the click of her heels on the marble floor pulling me out of my dark thoughts. She struts over, slips off her leather jacket, tosses it onto one of my chairs, and takes a seat on the couch.

I close the door behind us and walk over to join her. Picking up the glasses of red wine I had poured for us, I hand one to her as I sit down beside her. FUCK, THIS IS NOT THE WOMAN I WANT. Eriola's face fills my mind, and I can't shake the thought of her.

Reader's Note,

As Holden entertains Vanessa, his mind is consumed with thoughts of Eriola. How will he handle the situation, and what will happen when his true feelings are revealed? Find out in the next episode.

Happy Reading! 

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