I Just Like You

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*A/N- Honestly, the video that this chapter is based off of, is one of my top 3 favorite Mialotte moments. I watch it like once a week. Also! Today is Charlottes' 3 year anniversary posting vids! Everyone should go tell her happy anniversary! Happy reading. Enjoy!

"Here we go. Just walk up to her, explain everything, and tell her how you feel. It'll be easy." I was saying in my head as I left the office.

Was it cute, or was it sad that I had to psych myself up to go up to her and confess my love? Obviously, I wouldn't be telling her I loved her right now. That would be crazy. But I had every intention of telling her I liked her. Jesus. Talking like that makes me feel like I'm a teenager again.

I saw her pacing and biting her nails. She was clearly worried, so I walked over to try and ease her mind. "Sweetheart, it's okay. You don't have to bite all your pretty nails off." I said, pulling her hands into mine. I looked down at her fingers and inspected her ring for a moment before letting go. "I'm not mad at you." I gave her a soft smile.

"How can you not be mad? You just lost your job because of me..." Poor Charlotte. Always so worried about everything.

"Because," I answered, "You finally grew a backbone. Truthfully, I'm happy to be the one that you did it for."

"I- I don't understand you," her face was so confused, it was so cute, "You're being so nice to me, but I overheard what they just said in the office. You took money from their dad to torment them?"

She was going to find out anyway. I'm just glad I didn't have to say it all again. "I did, but only because I thought I was gonna be getting something in return."

"What could you possibly have wanted that bad to warrant putting them through all that?" She was frustrated and deserved an explanation. It was time to tell her the whole truth about my deal with Roger. Reece and Autumn still didn't know that part.

"Roger promised me that if I did what he told me to and came in between them that he would tell me where my dad was." I said.

"Wait, your dad," she was trying to make the pieces all fit in her head. "Why would he know where your dad was?" She asked.

"My dad walked out on me and my mum when I was just a child. But he didn't go alone. He ran off with Reece and Autumn's mum." She was shocked.

"I always assumed that their mum was dead?"

"To Autumn and Reece, she may as well be. They've never forgiven her for what she did. I understand, though. I've not forgiven my dad either." I paused for a second to roll my eyes. Just thinking about them made me angry. "She's alive and well swanning around with my father." The prick.

She was still processing the information in her head. It was a lot to hear. Sometimes, I could've even wrap my head around it. "Wait," she says, "So all this time you've just been doing what Roger has been telling you to do because he promised you information about your dad?"

"That's right." I said.

"You've been doing this for 20 years, though. Why have you carried on like this for so long?" I couldn't tell how she was feeling now. I could normally always tell.

"I mean. Is there a time limit you would spend looking for a parent?" I raised my eyebrows at her and continued, "Particularly if you had a couple of questions for them about why they were so comfortable walking out and breaking up a family? Two families, really, since we all know Reece and Autumn didn't exactly have a happy childhood."

She was stuttering, trying to figure out what she wanted to say, "I heard you kept breaking up and getting back with Reece all those years to try and come between him and Autumn all the time. Why?"

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