Can't Be Here

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*A/N- I'm literally so sorry that I haven't been posting. Things have been very chaotic in my head, but I took a break and have some new ideas for what's going to happen next. This story is almost over, but I have more in the pipeline for you. It might just take some time to get them out. Also, who's ready for a horror story in October? I have big things planned for that. Happy reading! Enjoy!

"You didn't have to do that, you know? You could've just stayed away and left us there to deal with him ourselves. Why did you do it?" I whispered to the sleeping Mia before me.

She'd been out of surgery for a couple of hours. Marjorie had taken Charlotte home for a few hours of rest, and Winter did the same with Autumn.

Charlotte was a nervous wreck the entire time. She didn't know what to do with herself as we waited to see if the doctor could stop all the bleeding. She paced the waiting room for what felt like an eternity, and it tore me apart to watch her slowly lose her grip.

Autumn had bribed nurses to come and give updates every few minutes. She wanted to know every detail of what was going on as if she were in the room herself. They wouldn't let her go back and continue to work on Mia like she had been. I could see her composure start to crack under the pressure. I knew how hard she'd worked to move past her last loss, but I could still feel the pain radiating off of her.

When the doctor had come out to tell us everything, Charlotte dropped to her knees. Her chest was no longer tightened from the stress, and her body was able to relax more. Autumn didn't show any emotions when she heard the news. I saw her glare at the doctor and the nurses. Almost as if she was trying to make sure they'd done their jobs properly.

Mia had to live.

"You are my best friend in the whole world, but I didn't want to see you get hurt because of someone I brought into your life." I grabbed her hand and squeezed her palm lightly. "I'm so sorry for the pain that I've caused you."

The thought of losing her terrified me. She was one of the few constants in my life, and I didn't want her to end like this.

Mia deserved to go out with a bang and not with one from a gun.

"I should've protected you. I should've tried harder to get you away from him once I found out," I could feel my chest tightening. "I have failed you, and I will never be able to apologize fully for it. Please... just wake up... wake up..."

I could feel a few tears burning my face as they fell. Images of her funeral were flashing through my mind as I watched her breathe slowly.

We'd had our tough times, but she was and would always be my best friend.

I didn't want to bury my best friend. I couldn't handle it if I had to.

The anger was starting to hit me. I slammed and hands down on the edge of her bed. "Damn it, Mia! Why won't you just open your eyes?!"

"Reece!" A woman's voice yelled from behind me. I turned to look, seeing that it was Marjorie. I knew it was her by her voice, but my mind didn't think it was real. "Be careful!"

"No! I can't look at her like this! I can't - I- I ca -" It was so hard to breathe.

I could get any more words out. What was going on with me?

"I can't be here anymore. I need to get out of here. I need to be - I just - I have to -" I got up and bolted out of the room.

She needed me there with her, but Marjorie was back now. I couldn't do it. I had to be anywhere but there. I had to do something. I needed to fix it, but how could I?

"Reece, wait!" She called after me.

I didn't listen.

I didn't even turn back.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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