Autumn's Birthday

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*A/N- This one is a bit more cutesy before it all goes downhill. Enjoy it while it lasts, my friends. Happy reading! Enjoy!

Autumn and Reece had been going through all their emotions for days. Roger packed up and left on a business trip for a month, but he was more than likely just on a vacation away from his children.

They were so torn up and trying to hide it, and I was trying everything I could to make them feel better. It helped me hide from my own pain so I didn't have to deal with it all.

My mum had called and said she was going to be spending a week at my aunts house now, so I was left to take care of myself. She asked the neighbor to check in on me. She said yes, but didn't because she thought I was old enough to be by myself. The adults around us back then were so incompetent.

Reece and Autumn didn't want to be alone in their house. Too many memories. I didn't want to be alone in mine either. We all decided to stay close and at mine. We were already there anyway, so it just made sense, really. Reece packed a few outfits before he came over the other night, and Autumn could just wear my clothes.

I woke up early and went to the shop down the road. It was Autumn's birthday and I wanted to make her a special breakfast. She loved American style pancakes topped fresh berries. She normally wasn't one for sweets, but this and ice cream were the only things she could tolerate.

I used the last bit of my pocket money to buy pancake mix, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and some syrup. On my way to the checkout, I noticed a small keyring with a red and orange leaf. It reminded me of Autumn with her beautiful strawberry hair. She needed to have it, so I bought it.

I wouldn't have any money left for food until my mum got back, but I didn't care then. She deserved a birthday present even if it was something small. I would've given her the world back then if I could.

When I got back to the house, Autumn was still asleep in our fort, and Reece was in the kitchen curled up in the corner with his head in his hands.

"Reecey?" I sat everything down and moved closer to him slowly.

He shot his head up to look at me. He had been crying, but as soon as he saw me, he jumped up and hugged me. His arms were wrapped around me so tight that I couldn't breathe. "I thought you left." He whispered.

"I mean, technically, I did. I needed to get some things for Autumn's birthday breakfast." He still wouldn't let go.

"You didn't say goodbye." He whimpered.

"You were still asleep, and I was coming right back." I said, rubbing his back.

"Don't do that. You have to tell me if you're leaving. I can't - I can't - " He started to hyperventilate.

"Okay. Just breathe." He loosened his grip and moved back to look at me. "I'm sorry. I'll tell you next time."

He sat down at the table and started to relax. I stood next to him and tried to help him as best I could. I rubbed his back, played with his hair, and even leaned down a few times to kiss the top of his head until he was finally at ease.

We waited a few more minutes in silence, and then he spoke up, "So... what did you get?"

"Well," I walked over to the bags and pulled everything out, placing each item on the counter so he could see. "Do you think it's good enough? I didn't have much."

Reecey placed his hands on his hips and looked at everything. "She'll love it."

I went over to start making breakfast, but he put his arm out in front of me. "What are you doing?" He asked.

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