Perfect Gift

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*A/N- 🎶Something wicked this way comes!🎶 Hehehe... so, just as a general check, how's everyone's anxiety levels right now? We good? We not? Let me know. Happy reading! Enjoy!

Peter had been no help over the next few days. I stayed in Paris, just waiting for him to call. It didn't seem like a good idea to go home just to leave as soon as I got there. If I was here, then I was far enough away from Roger. The more distance, the less likely he was to try something.

The whole trip was quite boring. I didn't know what to do for most of it. I relaxed for a while, checked some emails, and went shopping. I was trying to find something for Charlotte, but nothing felt right.

Everything I saw or thought about getting felt really impersonal. I thought about getting her flowers or chocolates once I got back into town, but flowers die, and chocolates are gone too quickly. Especially for a sweets fiend like her.

It was time to call in the big guns. "Reecey, heeeeeelp!" I whined when he answered. "I'm having a crisis!"

"Mia? What is it? Is it something with my dad? Is it something with your mum?" He asked frantically.

"What? No." My tone soured. "I mean... yeah, there's some new developments with your dad, but that's not why I'm calling."

"Oh, okay... wait. What happened with my dad?" He already knew most of it, but if he knew the rest, then he might be able to help.

I thought for about how to tell him, but decided it would be best just to rip off the band-aid. "I don't want you to freak out or lose your temper, but I didn't tell you everything the other night."

"Oh, no. What did he do?" I could sense the fear in his voice. He knew what his father was capable of.

I let out a nervous laugh, "I told you he knew about my side mission, but he followed me here and practically kidnapped me. Also... he may or may not have threatened me and everyone I care for."

"He what?" I'm not sure if he was angry with me or his dad right there. "You didn't think I needed to know that? Mia, you have to stop looking for them, and I do mean now."

"No," I said. "He's just trying to scare me away from the truth again. I'm not falling for it this time.

"But Mia, it's not worth it if you're going to get hurt. You've given a Valiant effort. Just take a break, and we'll try again later." Even after everything, he still cared so much and had hope. How could he do that?

"It's too late for that." I said quietly, looking at my still swollen wrist. I cleared my throat and went on, "What makes you think he won't still go after me if I do stop? We all know he isn't very happy with me right now."

"We don't know for sure, but do you really want to take the chance?"

"I could just pretend like I'm not looking. I'm sure Peter can get around undetected.

"Peter? Is that the name of your super secret guy?" He asked.

He'd helped me pay him, but I guess I never told him what the guys name was or how he looked. That's definitely safe. "Yup. He's some American with a crazy backstory, apparently. He's been useful, but the last few days have been the opposite."

"What do you mean?"

"Somethings up with him, and I can't figure out what it is. I guess I can't complain too much. This is what happens when you hire sketchy people to do secretive things."

He was quiet for a minute. I knew he was thinking. "I really think you should back off for a bit. You've been going at it for a month already and gotten nowhere. You might need a step back to find new clues, and it'll get my dad off your back."

I sighed, "Maybe you're right. I could always put the grunt work off on Mr. Sketchy. I'll just go to work like usual. Maybe I should take a holiday away somewhere. Oh, maybe I could spend a weekend away with my girlfriend."

"I'm sorry. Your what?" He asked, shocked.

"I forgot you were there... any chance you can forget I said it."

"Nope. Not a one." He laughed. "You really care about her, don't you?" I didn't say anything. "Of course you do. A year ago, I never would've thought we'd be here. Both of us are happy and with other people. Our relationship seems a lot healthier, too. I never thought we would be like this."

I didn't either. I thought we'd be stuck forever in an endless cycle of pain and torment. My life had been determined by Roger and my relationship with Reece for so long that I never pictured anything else for myself.

He was always very intuitive when it came to knowing how other people were feeling. I had to get an outside perspective on Charlotte. "Reecey, you just had your therapy session with Char, right? Do you think she's ready for the next step? I really want to ask her officially to be in a relationship, but I don't want to move too fast for her." I asked nervously.

He laughed again, "I think she's more ready than you realize."

I felt confused, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything. If you're ready, then go for it. The worst she can say is that she's not ready... but I really think it will work out the way you want it to." He was being so cryptic, but I didn't have the energy to pry into his mind.

"What if he isn't going after me? Do you think he'd go after someone close to me?" Just thinking about it made me feel sick.

He hesitated to speak. I think he was trying to find a way to say it without scaring me or making me angry. "I'm not sure, but I wouldn't put it past him. Keep them close and try to find a way to keep tabs on them. I'll watch Char from here, but you might want someone to watch your mum."

"That's a good idea. I'll hire security to hide outside her building. I don't think I can get anyone on the inside since your dad owns the building." I said, rolling my eyes.

He groaned, "Of course he does. I'm sure he won't let you move her either. I swear he's going to end up in jail or something."

"That is where he belongs."

We sat quietly for a minute, and then he asked, "Wait. We got off topic. Why did you really call me? You said you weren't trying to talk about all this, and then we did anyway."

"Oh, right!" I didn't even notice we hadn't covered the question I really wanted answered. "I want to get Char something, kind of like a small romantic gesture, but I'm drawing a blank. Everything I want to buy doesn't feel right."

He thought about it and then said, "Marjorie said that she loves the more sentimental and simple. You should make her something instead of buying it. You used to be very crafty."

"Reecey baby, you're a genius. I know just what to do. Thanks." Then we hung up, and I got started on the gift.

I popped into one of the shops and picked up everything I needed to start. I was going to make 12, but it took me so long to figure out the first one that I got frustrated and gave up. One would be enough.

A paper, black rose. Her favorite, and it won't die. The effort alone would show her how much I really care, and that was the real goal for me.

I held the rose out in front of me, trying to admire my work. Truthfully, it looked better than I thought it would.

To finish it off, I sprayed it with my perfume, so it would remind her of me. It's perfect. "She's going to love it." I said, smiling to myself.

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