Call Me

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*A/N- Things were chaotic yesterday, and all the rain we've been getting over here just had me feeling so tired. So, sorry about just the 1 chapter, buuuuuut I wrote this one special just for you guys to make up for it. Happy reading! Enjoy!

I reached the airport and got through security without any issues. I still had time before my flight, so I went and got some coffee and texted Charlotte.

"Hello, Sweetheart. I had a chat with Marjorie, and everything should be fine now. Have a wonderful day!"

She messaged back, "Thanks again, Mia. For everything, but especially last night."

"I see you can't stop thinking about it either. I want this trip to be over already so we can hopefully do it again?" I bit my lip nervously awaiting her reply.

"I'm looking forward to it." She sent a blushing emoji.

"It's a date then." I sent back with a wink.

She quickly texted, saying her shift was startin, so I told her bye and to text me later. It was only a short conversation, but it had me smiling from ear to ear just thinking about it. Thinking about her.

My trip was only supposed to be a week so I could help a friend get their new shop open, and so I could meet with a possible investor for Roger. I was done doing his dirty work when it came to his children, but I was still a board member and as punishment for my big confession, he had sent me off to a random meeting he didn't want to go to. I didn't mind doing this part of the job.

I loved seeing the looks on their faces every time I walked into a board room full of men. They never expected to see a woman, especially not one as attractive as myself. A few times, I was actually asked when my boss was going to show. It was always funny to see their faces drop from their smug expression into one of fear when I was more prepared than they were for the meeting. I made sure to ask a bunch of questions I knew they wouldn't know the answers to.

The meeting would only take an hour or so, meaning that the rest of my time would be occupied with whatever it was my friend needed me to do for her. I did schedule one day of relaxation towards the end. That way, I wasn't burnt out for when I came home.

I sat for a few minutes waiting for the plane to start boarding when I received another message from Charlotte.

"I just saw and talked to Marjorie. You threatened her, didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about..."


"Oops, I have to go now. Getting on the plane, but I'll text you when I land."

"I don't believe you, but I do actually have to go, so we'll talk about it later."

She was definitely going to yell at me, but I was excited for it. Char was hot when she was angry.

The flight was boring, so I sent Char a couple of pictures of the view and of me to make her miss me. I would have to take her on a trip like this eventually. She deserved to be whisked away and treated like a princess, so that's exactly what I was going to do.

Before I'd left, I snuck into her house and left her a surprise for after work. It was partly to do something nice for her and partly to get her distracted enough not to yell at me for what I'd said to Marjorie. I wasn't sure how effective it would be since I didn't also leave her a box of chocolates, but I was hoping it would still be good enough.

I'd never had someone stick up for me the way Mia did this morning. I'm not sure exactly what she said, and I know she wasn't as nice to Marjorie as I wanted her to be... but I couldn't stay mad at her for it. I may not agree with her methods, but I knew she meant well.

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