Meeting With Roger

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*A/N- TW - there is a small section towards the end with some aggressive parts. You've been warned and can skip if needed. Anyway. Here it is. Grab your popcorn or whatever snack you prefer. Might wanna sit down for this one. Happy reading! Enjoy!

"Reece, I'm here. Where are you?" I was on the phone with him, waiting outside head-office for Reece to arrive.

"Somebody slashed my tires, so I'm waiting on Marjorie to get here to drive me over. Do not go inside until I get there!" He said firmly, "Mia will kill me, and my dad is a bit... unhinged right now."

"I know. She filled me in on everything." My mind took me back to earlier. Mia finally spilled everything that had happened over the last few weeks, and I was still trying to process it all.

Her sad little face when she thought I was going to leave, and worrying that it'd all been too much too soon. She always thought I was going to hate her if she shared the hard things with me, but I could never. If anything, it made me love her even more than I already did.

My heart warmed every time she felt comfortable enough to let me in. I knew it was hard for her. It was hard for me too, but Mia's walls were coming down for me. Slowly, but surely.

"Char? You still there?" Reece asked. I hadn't noticed him still talking to me. "Did you hear what I said?"

"" I answered, feeling bad that I'd just zoned out of the conversation.

He let out a frustrated grunt and said, "I'll be there in 10. Wait for me. I repeat: DO NOT leave your car until I get there. Understand?" He put a lot of emphasis on his words.

"I'll wait for you. You sound like Mia when you're mean." He did not like that. He was going to say something mean, but Marjorie pulled in, and he decided to just end it there. I told him I would stay put as he hung up.

I texted Mia to let her know what was going on, and as I hit send, I heard a knocking on the passenger window. It was a tall, buff, gentleman with tattoos and a bald head. I tried to ignore him, making sure my doors were locked, and keeping the windows up.

He kept on knocking, "Charlotte. We need to talk." My heart dropped, and so did my expression. My eyes shot over to him. I didn't know who he was, but he knew me. How? "Yeah. I know who you are. I know Mia and your boss, too. Get out and come with me. He can't see me talking to you."

"What? No! I have no idea how to prove your story! No. I'm not ending up in a documentary." I yelled. I grabbed my phone and went to dial the emergency services, but he asked me to stop.

"My name is Peter. I'm sure she's told you my name, at least, right?" I still wouldn't budge. He looked around and came over to my door. His fear should've told me enough for me to trust him. His eyes were pleading with me, and he said, "If she trusts me, why can't you?"

He had a point. I slowly got myself out of the car and stepped onto the pavement. We moved behind a treeline, out of sight of the office windows. He went to speak and hand me a folder filled with papers. "Take this. He's planning something awful, but I can't tell you what it is." He stepped closer and whispered, "He's got eyes everywhere."

"Wait? Are you working for him? Does Mia know!? You said I could trust you!" I turned away to leave, and he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Wait!" He turned me around, "I've found something else. You have to give it to her. I can't meet her without him finding out." He slides me the folder, and I took it from him. I was still angry, so I grabbed it harder than I meant to.

"What is it?" I opened the folder. He didn't say anything, just pointed to the first page. "Oh my god..." I whispered. I covered my mouth to cover any sudden loud noises. "He has total control over her. We have to -"

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