She's Hurt

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*A/N- Here it is. Did you pay attention in the last chapter? I don't think you did... Also, hello to the people who were spamming me with votes the other day. Yes, I noticed. Happy reading! Enjoy!

It was 3:32 in the morning, and I was woken up by a million messages from Charlotte. I called her back immediately,  thinking something was wrong, and she was talking so fast that I couldn't understand her, "Char, slow down. What do you mean Mia's left?"

"Aye?" Marjorie said, rolling over in the dark.

I held Marjorie's hand and mouthed, "Hold on."

She nodded and sat up next to me.

"Mia's doing what? No, she wouldn't. She's worked too hard to... No, I haven't heard from her since yesterday about mid-morning."

Marjorie was getting worried. She got out of bed and started to put on one of my jumpers and a pair of leggings. She could hear how scared Char was through the speaker.

"No, I'll go look for her... no, you shouldn't drive when you're like this. Just stay there, I'll send Marjorie to pick you up. It's not a problem. She's awake now, anyway." I got out of bed to find some clothes. "Charlotte. Try and breathe. I'll call Aut since she's closest to her and I'll meet her over there... do you really think she needs a key to get in? It's Aut."

Marjorie came over and took the phone from me, "I'll be there in ten minutes, my love. Have some water, put on your shoes and a jumper. Don't go anywhere till I get there... yeah, will do. It will all be okay. We'll find her."

Charlotte still sounded worried, but she was able to slow down and listen to what Marjorie was telling her. They hung up the phone, and Marjorie handed it back to me. Her eyes were sad, "What did Mia do, and where the hell is she?"

I wrapped my arms around her to try and offer some form of comfort, "I don't know, gorgeous. I really don't know." I kissed the top of her head, and we both headed out to the cars.

Once I'd sat down, I turned the car on and called Aut.

She answered on the first ring, "Big brother."

"How did you answer so fast?"

"I received numerous calls from Charlotte a few minutes ago. What's wrong with Mia?" She asked.

I let out a long sigh, "I don't know. From what I've gathered, she's working for dad again, and she left Char without saying anything. Well... she did leave a note, but she didn't tell anyone she was leaving."

"There's a lot to unpack there. What did the note say?" If I wasn't mistaken, it sounded like Aut had a bit of concern in her voice.

"I'm not sure. Char was too upset to make any sense." I started to drive to Mia's house, "Look, you only live a couple minutes down the road from her. Can you meet me at her-"

"Headed there now." Then she hung up.

"Alright," I said to myself, "I swear if anything has happened to her, I'm going to kill my dad."

3:45 am.

My father is not a good person. He takes what he wants from others and finds joy in crushing the spirits of others. It doesn't surprise me that he's found a way to get Mia back under his spell.

He always knew how to spot someone's weaknesses even before they spoke to him. That and how to intimidate people are the only things he ever taught me.

3:48 a.m... I'd driven faster than I should've. It was supposed to take me seven minutes to get to her house, but it took me three and a half. It helped that there were no other cars on the road.

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