The Wedding

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*A/N- I know you all want to know what happened after Mia left, and I do have it finished. But... yesterday was hard, and I feel like we all need a bit of relief, so this is what you're getting today. Tomorrow, I will ruin your lives again. Happy reading! Enjoy!

I got married once.

To whom? Reecey, of course.

Where was it? The back garden of the Knight mansion.

When did it happen? Well, that's the thing... it was about 30 years ago. We were eight years old, and it was about six months after we'd started going to school together.

The proposal story is still one of my favorites to tell.

Reecey and I were outside playing with Autumn after school. All the parents were inside discussing some new acquisition for the business and had pushed the threw of us out to the garden. We didn't mind as we had a playhouse filled with refreshments, blankets, and different activities.

It was a chilly day, but at least it wasn't raining at the moment. Autumn was sat at the desk in the playhouse, coloring a picture for her mum. Reecey was getting his magician kit set up to show me a new trick he'd learned. I was sitting across from Autumn drinking some juice and looking out the window at some rabbits in the rose bushes.

"Okay, I think I'm ready!" Reecey said, all excited. His cheeks were a light pink shade, and he was trying to hide how nervous he really was.

I turned and got ready to watch him. "What's this trick called again?" I asked, fixing my skirt and placing my hands in my lap. 

"I can't tell you, but you're going to love it."

"Let's hope it goes right this time. It didn't yesterday, big brother." Autumn chimed in, a smirk coming across her cheeks. She loved teasing him.

He glared at her for a second before turning back to me with a grin. He grabbed his top hat and magic wand. He put on a fake mustache and had a little black cape on as well.

"For my first trick -"

"It's your only trick," Autumn spoke again. This time, she said it under her breath. Reecey either didn't hear it or was ignoring her. I cracked a smile at how quick Autumn was with her responses.

Reecey cleared his throat, "Miss, you are very pretty." He said, looking at me.

He wanted me to play along with the dialog, so I did. I fanned my face as if I had blushed from his compliment, "Thank you, sir." I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

He stepped closer, "A girl as pretty as you deserves a gift... I think I have just the thing." He took off his hat, tapped the wand on the brim, and flicked his wrist.

He frowned and did it again, still nothing.

"Are we still pretending?" I asked, confused.

"No," he was starting to get frustrated, "It's not working." He dropped his hat and started hitting the wand on the side of the desk, "The stupid thing is stuck."

I watched him struggle for a minute before Autumn got tired of it and grabbed the wand from him. She didn't even turn her head or stop coloring. She just grabbed it with the other hand, flicked it hard one time, and out popped a bouquet of plastic flowers.

Reecey frowned, "I loosened it for you."

Autumn rolled her eyes, "Sure you did." Then she returned to her picture, and Reecey went back to me.

He reached the bouquet out to me and dropped his head to the floor, "Here. For you."

I smiled at him and took the flowers, "Thank you, Reecey. They're so pretty, and that was the best trick ever!" I said, trying to reassure him.

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