Hello Again

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*A/N- "And there it was, something set in motion that no one could see coming. That poor girl and her thoughts that seemed to eat her alive. Who will save her?" Happy reading! Enjoy!

"Well, if it isn't Stinky Pete. What the hell do you want?"

"Is that really how you greet people now? I figured your mother would've taught you better than that." He laughed, eyes dark.

"You have no right to talk about her," I growled at him. "Actually, I don't have to be here and listen to you. I'm leaving."

He laughed, "You sure you want to do that? I have some information you'd like to know. Riveting stuff."

I rolled my eyes, "I've gotten some information of my own, thank you. Go back to your boss now. I'm done with you."

He sighed, "So, I guess that girlfriend of yours let you know that little tidbit of information, did she?"

"What? No. I found out from someone else. How would Charlotte know anything?" I asked, glaring at him.

"I'm the one who hand delivered that file about your mum to her. Didn't she tell you?" I looked away from him, lost in thought. He laughed again, "Trouble in paradise already. Don't worry, I won't tell Roger."

She knew he was working for Roger? Why didn't she tell me? How long has she known? No, he's trying to trick me. Working for Roger makes people like that. Deceitful, awful people. I would know...

"Piss off," I turned to leave again, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Wait, I really have something for you. It's important." Where he was cold before, I now saw something else. Empathy, maybe? It was strange.

I snatched my arm back, "Why should I trust anything you give me now? You've proven yourself disloyal. Clearly, you just follow the money, so what's in it for you?"

"A clear conscience," he said plainly. He reached into his back pocket and handed me a single sheet of paper. "A bit of email correspondence between Roger and... someone else..." He was unsure of himself and if he should tell me, "You'll see when you read it."

I scoffed and put the paper in my bag, "Sure. Whatever. Are we done here?"

"Until next time," he turned to leave.

"Whoa. Hold up. There will be no 'next time' for us," he looked confused, and I kept on, "If you work for him, then you no longer work for me. I hope you and Rog enjoy burning in hell. Oh, and tell the Rat I said hello." I smiled at him.

"I wish you'd reconsider. I'm more of an asset than people realize." He walked over to me and leaned in close to my ear, saying, "Plus, after what I've read, you're going to be burning right next to us."

My eyes widened, and my stomach fell. "What did you hear?"

"You know what I heard. He's planning on telling her soon, so you better do it before he does it for you." With that, he left into the shadows around us.

I got in my car, turned it on, and pulled the paper back out of my bag. I was shocked by what was inside, "Two weeks... and then he'll be here. My father is coming home..." I needed to get home to Charlotte and talk to her about this.

I needed to talk to her about a lot of things. This would've been so much easier if she'd just read the damn file Roger gave her.

I'd made it halfway back to Char's house before stopping the car and turning around to head to Reece's nursery. There was something from his office that I needed, and I needed it before going home.

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