Tough Conversations

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*A/N- "But the funny thing is, you never know how life is going to turn out. Does the truth really set you free, or does it keep you confined? Like a bird in a cage. The door is open, but she isn't able to fly out unless she has help." Scared, nervous, excited? How we feeling? This chapter is double the length of any other, so I don't want any complaining on how short it is. Happy reading! Enjoy!

TW: Little bit of violence and talk of miscarriage. You've been warned.

"Alright, my little bees, it's time to get ready for bed. Go up, get changed, and brush your teeth. Who would you like to tuck you in tonight?" Mia asked the girls. I adored how gentle she was with them.

I already knew their answer before they gave it. The last couple weeks, they had been consistent in who they wanted. They also had their entire routine mapped out, minute by minute.

Olivia spoke first, "I want Mia to do it!"

Then Grace, "Me too! Will you read to us, too? I have a new one picked out. It's kinda old, though."

Mia smiled warmly at them, "Anything you want, but where am I reading tonight? Whose room?"

"Mine. It's my turn!" Olivia yelled, raising her hand.

And then Mia laughed. I loved her laugh. "Your room it is then, but you have to go and do as I've asked first. Think you can?"

Grace sprinted up the stairs to get ready for bed, but of course, Olivia stayed.

Mia crouched down, "What's up, Bumble? I thought you wanted the story?"

"You have to go get dressed for bed if you want Mia to read to you," I said to her.

She frowned, "My legs don't wanna work. They're too tired. Uppies!" Oh great, now she's turning into Amelia.

I shot a glare at Mia for teaching her that, and Mia just laughed.

When she'd stopped laughing, she looked at Olivia and said, "I can not carry you up the stairs right this second. I need to have a quick word with Mummy while you girls are getting dressed," Olivia frowned, "Don't get upset yet. Come here, I want to tell you something. It's a trick, but it's secret."

Olivia went into Mia's arms. I watched as she carefully whispered in our child's ear, and as she did, Olivia's eyes widened, and a smile formed on her face. By the time Mia was done, they were both laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing," Olivia said, running up the stairs.

I turned my gaze to Mia, "What did you say to her?"

"Nothing, I guess," Mia shrugged, "Now come here before they're done." She held her hands out to me, so I went over to her.

"You told them you had to have a quick chat?" I said, eyebrow raised in confusion.

She shook her head, "That's code for 'I want to kiss your Mum without your innocent eyes in the room'. Our actual conversation is still happening after they go to bed. As long as you're still fine with that?"

I grinned at her, "That's fine. Better hurry up. They're bound to be done very soon."

It was only a short kiss because we were stopped by the giggles behind us.

"Do you hear buzzing?" Mia asked.

This was the next part of the bedtime routine. I let go of Mia, "I think I do. Should I call the bug catcher?"

"No!" Both girls yelled, still laughing.

Mia and I rolled our eyes, "Do you think we can catch them on our own then?"

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