Knowing Me, Knowing You

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*A/N- I'm currently writing a chapter about that Halloween party with Shibby and Mia, but I wanna put it out as soon as I finish it instead of waiting like I had planned. Also, have anyone elses app been messing up lately, or just mine? Anyway, happy reading! Enjoy!

The meeting went just as I'd expected. The investors caved and were going to be putting in more than what they had originally wanted. Roger was going to be happy enough to leave me be for a while. Hopefully, anyway. I sent an email to him, Reece, and Autumn about how the meeting went and when to expect the papers to be signed and delivered. After that, I didn't even care to check for a response.

I did, however, get an angry text from Reece that said, "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE A LESBIAN?!?!" I almost cried because I was laughing so hard. Char must've told him everything. How else would he have known? He was kind of dense like that.

I went out to my friend Olivia's new store on the oceanfront to see how everything was progressing, and there were only a few things left to be done. I sat down with her and explained the best way to do her shipping and ordering. Taking time to also show her the easy way of keeping a ledger  so she didn't have to worry about messing something up.

Truthfully, it was all rather boring until she took me out for dinner afterward. I might've had a few more drinks than I'd planned to, but with everything that had been going on, it seemed to be a good way to keep my mind off things.

After dinner, Olivia asked me a million questions, but the one she kept coming back to (that I kept trying to avoid) was if I was seeing anyone. "Come on, Mia. I know there's somebody. If there wasn't, then you'd be over there flirting with that cute blonde over there." She says, gesturing over to a girl at the bar.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "There might be someone, but I'm not sure what it is yet. We're just feeling things out." I said, clearly lying to her since I already knew I was in love with Charlotte. She didn't need to know that, though.

"I call bull. Nothing's ever stopped you from flirting with randoms. Even when you were with that really tall guy. I'm so glad you got rid of him, by the way. He's totes not your type." She took a sip of her drink and then started giving me a lecture on my love life. "I'm just saying," she started, "If you're just feeling things out, then that means you're still on the market. You shouldn't be wasting your time on relationships anyway. Those are for old people. Go out and live."

"How is cruising the bars every night living?" I laughed, downing the rest of my drink. She didn't answer as she had started flirting with some guy from across the room. This is why I don't have friends.

I waited around 10 minutes for her to come back to the conversation, but she was too lost in the sea of boys that had come in. I paid for the food and our drinks before going over to her to tell her I was leaving.

"No! Don't go! We're having so much fun." She pleaded, slurring her words a bit. I didn't feel bad leaving her as her apartment was just across the road, and the bartender knew her.

"Sorry, babes. It's been great, but I have a lot to do tomorrow, so I need to go to bed." I kissed her cheek and left, headed back to the hotel.

Before heading back up to my room, I stopped at the front desk to mail off a postcard to Marjorie. I was sending it to try and make nice with her before I got back, but I wasn't sure it was going to work since she always seemed to take gestures the wrong way.

I got ready for bed and climbed in with my laptop and a small glass of whiskey from the minibar in my room. I opened my computer to respond to some work emails, but as soon as I saw how many were in my inbox, I slowly shut it again. It was past business hours, so all that work would be a problem for future Mia.

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