Roller Cowards

66 1 49

Requested to me by blizlady

(Warning: sexual, swearing)

No One's POV:

Chapa is at her house, sitting on the living room couch. She is reading Sage a story, who is sitting right next to her.

Chapa: *reading* "And then, the little ugly cat ran alllll the way home."

Just then, Bose comes breaking through the wall with his TV still connected. Chapa and Sage covered themselves.

Bose: "Chapa, you gotta see this! There's an emergency broadcast on my TV!"

The TV static clears to show Dingo Land.

TV: "The day you've been waiting for is almost here! That's right, Dingo Land has a new ride! It's big..."

The TV shows a ginormous hill on the roller coaster, with two people going up and down on it.

TV: "It's fast..."

The TV shows another two people at full speed on the ride. One flies off.

Woman on TV: "HAROLD, NO!!"

TV: "It's painful..."

A roller coaster cart is show speeding down the big hill and causing a fiery explosion.

TV: "The Demon! Opening tomorrow, only at Dingo Land!"

The TV cuts off.

Bose: "Tomorrow! Chapa, we gotta get to bed so we can be first in line!"

Chapa rushes upstairs to her room. Bose launches himself back to his house by the TV's taut cable. Later, Chapa is asleep in her bed, imagining tomorrow.

Chapa: *in sleep* "Dingo Land... roller coaster... first in line."

Chapa's dream

Dingo Land is shown. Chapa and Bose are walking through it. Suddenly, the world around them turns dark and dreary. They come upon a citizen, who is dressed like the reaper.

Chapa: "Excuse me, which way to The Demon?"

The hooded figure points in the opposite direction. Chapa and Bose float towards the ride. Once on a cart, they start moving. They go up a hill with worried expressions on their faces. They reach the top of the hill and pause. Then, they scream as they go down. They reach a flat part, then another hill. A strike of lightning breaks some of the tracks, and Chapa and Bose go flying with the cart.


They land in two open graves with their names on them. They each land in their labeled grave. Some random worker starts burying them.

End of dream

Chapa wakes up screaming.

Chapa: "I don't wanna ride The Demon!"

Suddenly, night cuts to morning, and it is shown Chapa didn't sleep the whole night. Her alarm clock goes off. She's paralyzed with fear. Suddenly, Bose shows up.

Bose: "You ready to ride The Demon?"

Chapa screams and pulls back the covers, revealing her bare feet with her toes spread out in fear.

Chapa: "Uh, yeah, it's just... I had a bad dream last night."

Bose: "Really? Me, too."

Chapa: "What was your dream about?"

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