48: Searching - S

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Heatwave, Boulder and Blades were really trying to look for Chase.

Blades was just staring at the empty berth, Chase nowhere to be seen within the room. Blades cannot remember the last time he saw the blue bot because part of him felt like it was a long time ago, not to mention he can barely find him at all.

They see him when they do their group stuff but it is never the time to discuss what was going on, not to mention he vanishes right after class ends, leading him to never be found at all until the next class happens. They have noticed the sudden drop to their performance too, but even so, everyone has told them they were the best ones there, which made them all a little skeptical.

Heatwave came back into the dorm, clearly winded since he had most likely been running up and down the halls looking for the law enforcer, but it was clear to tell he was empty handed as he was with nothing.

"I looked everywhere like five times, nothing!" Heatwave nearly missed his own berth as he laid himself on it, clearly exhausted. "I even asked the janitor if he saw Chase and I got a slap to my face plates."

"Why would you ask the janitor?!" Blades questions, wondering exactly why that even came up as an option for some unknown reason. "you know that mech literally hates everyone at this academy, even the teachers!"

"I mean, he can be nice every once in a while, depending on the time though." Boulder points out, reminding himself of one of his own experiences with the mech in question. "Did you ask your courter?"

"and why would he do that?" Blades asks, clearly not in the loop of something here. "Heatwave isn't courting anyone, he broke up with that mech who was making out with his ex."

"I went out with this mech like ten solar cycles ago, Blades." Heatwave says, still wondering how far behind Blades is now. "I did ask him but obviously, like most bots I've asked, they have never heard of him or have fully seen him."

"How do I not know of this mech?" Blades asks himself. "Also, is he being mean to Chase, like, what is up here?"

"Because you are obsessed with finding Chase and surprisingly enough, this mech I am being courted by has never met Chase for the life of him and never reads the news." Heatwave explains.

"Not reading the news can be either good and bad but why are you with another mech, you went from a femme to a mech and to another, what's next, ten more?" Blades asks, seriously wishing to know.

"I'm so confused, are we not talking about Chase anymore or-"

"Blades, we are not here to talk about my relationships, we are here to try and find Chase." Heatwave cuts off Boulder with that, trying to sustain something. "In saying what I just did, Boulder, it's your turn to run the building."

"Oh no." Boulder knows he is not fast, but before he goes, he knows he needs to do something. "You guys better not be still on this when I get back."

Guess what? When he got back, they were still talking about who Heatwave was with and Boulder was questioning why they couldn't talk about something else.

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