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The Philade Steel Factory is very large, very large, and it is not comparable to Li Chengye's steel factory. Not only that, the workshop of the steel factory is very clean and bright, and various machines are constantly running. There are fewer people working inside than in Li Chengye's steel factory, and it is obvious that they rely more on machine assistance.

Moreover, most of the people here wear blue uniforms and blue hats, and they work very seriously. They don't seem to be curious about the arrival of Li Chengye and his people, as if this is just an ordinary day. Everyone is only responsible for their own part of the work, and they don't move around much, and it doesn't look messy at all.

Secretary Chu naturally saw it very clearly, and couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "This is the real job positioning and clear division of labor. Our pilot is just a small fight!" He has visited many factories so far, and almost every one of them is like this. Everyone's division of labor is very clear. How could it be like them, where many people don't understand their specific responsibilities? It seems that their factory reform still has a long way to go!

Master Qian was closest to him and heard his words clearly. He quickly comforted him, "These factories have been established for many years and have a lot of experience. We have only been here for a short time. It's just right for us to learn more this time and take it back. Then our trip won't be in vain."

Secretary Chu nodded, looked at Li Chengye behind him, and also saw the blond man beside Li Chengye, "Our comrade Li Chengye's trip abroad is like picking up a child for nothing!"

Master Qian also forgot the past. The big and the small seemed to be quite harmonious, but he was still a little worried at this time, "Is this okay? Will there be any problems?" His worry was not groundless. In the past few years, everyone was very cautious about these overseas relationships and could not establish any relationship with foreign countries at all. Although Huaguo has established diplomatic relations with many countries in recent years, they still need to keep a distance from each other and take necessary precautions.

Secretary Chu was not worried at all, "What is there to worry about? Secretary Li has done all these things with the consent of Director Wen and Director Lan. Even if there are any problems, they will be responsible. Secretary Li will be fine." Of course, what Secretary Li did not say was that the people in the Commerce Bureau were still counting on Li Chengye's relationship to achieve some of their own goals. How could it be so easy for something to go wrong?

Master Qian is just a technician and doesn't know much about this. After hearing what Secretary Chu said, he naturally felt relieved, and the two continued to visit.

What made Secretary Chu feel very helpless was that most of the workshops here were arc furnaces, and there were no blast furnaces or converters. It seemed that the current situation in Country D was similar to that in Country Y. Secretary Chu was depressed. This was really frustrating. Although Secretary Chu and his friends had mixed feelings, they still listened attentively to Mr. Fillecked's explanation.

Although Li Chengye, who was walking at the back, was holding a heavy child in his arms, the child was only about three years old and was not very heavy. He did not feel that it was very strenuous. Moreover, Mr. Fillecked specially sent his assistant to give him a separate explanation. His treatment was very good.

The blond young assistant kept an eye on Li Chengye's movements. Whenever Li Chengye looked at something, he would immediately introduce it to Li Chengye, which was even more detailed than Mr. Filleck's explanation.

With such a resource around him, Li Chengye was naturally not polite. Seeing that the workshop was full of arc furnaces, he asked with some doubt, "Are you using arc furnaces for production now?"

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