Comment Plz

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So here is where you comment what you want as a one-shot or short story, unless you want to PM me to keep it a secret to the public until I write and post it. anything that's PG-13 or lower, if you ask for something like smut, the best you'll get is kissing, sorry, I'm just like that. But I'll do kissing, secrets revealed, small conflicts, microphilia, macrophilia, blah blah blah (something something something)

anyways, I also want you to add not only your question or desire of a one-shot, but what version of her or story she's from in that one-shot. Like for example, is she the tiny!neko from Supernatural Blood, or the normal!neko in How to Save a Spark? Is she in her NightShade form, or is she a full on dragon?

So get commenting plz!

One-Shots of My O.C.'s LivesWhere stories live. Discover now