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Adam couldn't remember the last time he had been able to feel his body, other than the numbness that had consumed him. He couldn't remember the last time he had been warm either. All he could remember now was white snow and the cold as he continued to try to plow through it, only making it a few millimeters at a time.

The Borrower shuddered, shivering violently. His kind weren't meant to be out here in the cold. They were meant to stay indoors, sleeping more than usual, not somewhere that snowed frequently. He remembered his parents had told him it was ridiculous to live in the north, but he had insisted. He loved the rainy days, watching the water droplets patter from the grey cloudy skies while sitting on a window sill.

He just didn't anticipate the snow, a blizzard, especially on one of the few times he ever went outside. He had been blown really far away by a huge gust of wind, and now he was trying to get back, but he was struggling. He knew if he didn't get somewhere warm soon... Then he'd fall into a permanent sleep.

One mistep suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts, and he faceplanted into the snow with a squeak of alarm, turning over on his side and hugging himself with great effort, trembling violently. It was just too cold for him. He wasn't going to make it. He closed his eyes and listened to the wind, feeling his mind start to drift. It was... Way Too... Col...

His consciousness flickered as he heard footsteps, crunching through the snow. Then he heard a gasp of surprise, and the next thing he knew he was being lifted out of the snow by something warm and soft. He let out a weak shuddery gasp, shuddering and curling up in a ball, tightly hugging his knees as he was covered in warmth.

"Holy sh*t..." He flinched at the baritone voice, despite it being at a soft note and half drowned by the howling wind. He felt something rubbing his back as his heart continued to hammer in his chest, otherwise still immobile. He couldn't even open his eyes, limp with exhaustion. He realized that someone had Seen him, and had picked him up. Caring about him, a complete stranger. He coughed inwardly, which sounded more like a held back sneeze, and a few seconds later he was pressed against a wall of fabric and warmth. He emitted a small whining sound, still shaking violently.

"Shh... I-It's ok." The male voice coaxed softly. "I'll-I'll get you out of the cold. I'll keep you warm." He stirred a little as the human started walking, opening his eyes just enough to see as the first thing he saw was white. Not snow, but white fabric, faint lines etched down to show the neat sowing patterns that were invisible from afar.

He turned his head slightly from side to side, managing another small cough as he shuddered and leaned against his source of warmth, wanting to shrink away from the cold. He was still instinctively quivering violently, not just because of the cold but now also because of a new threat. He didn't know why the human wanted to help him, which made him suspicious. But Adam's hesitation to let him help him dissipated immediately as the numbness slowly faded, and he finally started feeling warm again.

He went into spasmodic fit of coughing as he heard a door open, and the environment around him changed to cream colored walls of the inside of a house. He stirred again, closing his eyes and remaining limp in his rescuer's arms as he shut the door behind him, blocking out the cold. By now he was fully relaxed, succumbing to the body heat that the larger person was emitting. He never knew humans could be so warm.

He felt the human sit down, continuing to coddle him by hugging him to his chest. He was still quivering though, taking shaky breaths at the contact. His parents had told him to never let a human see you, to never let yourself be Seen. He felt a finger gently stroke his back, and he tensed with a faint grunt of discomfort before hesitantly relaxing, complying to whatever the human was doing.

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