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Peaceful breathing. That's all she heard, day in, day out, in the morning and through out the night. Deep, slow, calm and relaxed sighs, the male himself remaining still, with only the slightest movements of his chest to show each intake of oxygen. It was the middle of winter, and Samantha knew she could die of the cold. But it was better than letting a predator catch her for sure, being trapped in a compact space, warm perhaps but nonetheless trapped. She was not going to let a predator eat her. Ever.

Although, despite the predator's home that she lived in, he was... Different somehow. He did see all of the small evidences that she usually accidentally left behind, but most of the time avoided where he knew she was. It confused her at times, but there were some times where the predator would gain a gleam of hunger and hostility, then shake his head as if to snap himself out of it.

That same predator was now asleep, hibernating as she stood in the shadows, shivering. She had an idea, but she highly doubted by far that it wasn't the worst one. It was most certainly her worst idea. She hesitantly came forward, creeping out of the darkness, and making her way towards the huge sleeping figure. She jumped up, meeting the bed halfway, then scrabbling up with another powerful leap and hauling herself over the edge of the bed. The predator tilted his head a little, his nostrils twitching as he scented the air in his sleep, and she froze, her heart racing. Please don't wake up please don't wake up....

She bit back a sigh of relief when he relaxed again, and she hesitantly started to inch forward again, cowering in the large creature's presence. She was terrified, but she knew she couldn't let herself die. But this was a die-or-die situation, and she'd rather die warm. She cautiously climbed onto the predator's shirt, scrambling onto his chest and shivering violently. Here she was, about to rest her life in the hands of a predator, her kind's mortal enemy. She slowly took unsteady steps to the predator's upper torso, flinching in terror when he yawned slightly and revealed his sharp incisors. Then she clambered forward and slowly eased herself to curl up in the crook of his neck when he relaxed again, and a small quiet sigh escaped her. She relaxed and curled her thin fragile and cold body, pressing against her new source of warmth.

She felt so warm, and her fear all of a sudden just... Faded. Like the predator was her protector, not her bane. She snuggled into the slight depression of his skin, closing her eyes and already drifting off to sleep, but failed to hear the predator's heartbeat pick up.


Samantha felt like she was sleeping on a cloud, a warm and soft cloud, as she woke up. But she didn't want to wake up- well she did, but she just wanted to sleep a little longer. Sighing peacefully, she turned over and hugged the fabrics that covered her shoulders down like a blanket, purring peacefully. Then she heard a faint chuckle, and felt someone--or something-- pet her head, caressing her soft velvety ears.

"Five more minutes..." She mumbled sleepily, cuddling the 'blanket'.

"Heh, well it's not like I'm going anywhere." She had began to wake already, but the voice had jolted her awake. It belonged to a creature she knew all too well. The predator. Shivering, she froze and slowly opened her eyes, peeking up wide eyed to the predator's curious face, although the first thing her eyes fixated upon were the fangs. Whimpering, she cowered back and hid under the fabrics on her, which she now realized was the predator's pocket.

She was trapped.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He murmured, cupping his hand behind her before she could hide properly. She shuddered, pressing against his palm and staring up with wide eyes.

"... P-p-please don't hu-hurt me!" she squeaked. "I-I didn't mean to-to disturb you, I-I was just so c-c-cold..." The large brown eyes softened in sympathy.

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