That Time of the Year

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Christmas. That time when it was snowing, cold, and everyone was happy. 'Well everyone who has a home,' Adam thought a little grudgingly. Sure, he was warm, sure, he was in a house, but he was in a predator's home.

And he was sitting. On the predator's chest, as he hibernated.

Despite predators usually being ravenous and blood-thirsty, this one had been different. Adam didn't know the predator, but he had a run in with him one time. He hadn't hurt him, or even stored him, he had let him run free, actually rescuing him from his predator friend. But nevertheless, Adam was grateful for the predator sparing him, so when he fell into the deep sleep, he had kept to the larger creature, snuggling him and keeping warm. He had woken up a few times, to which Adam had leaped off the bed and fled under it before he could fully rouse awake.

He now slowly got up, sliding down next to the slumbering creature's flank as he breathed deeply, his chest rising and falling as Adam walked up to the higher section of the predator. He stopped right next to the head, seeing the predator's relaxed face and closed eyes, and he remembered in a flashback when he had first seen that face:

"Alright, now come at me Martin."

"Are you sure Ty?"

"Yeah come on!" The maroon-eyed predator smirked before darting away, laughing as his bulgarian friend chased after him.

"Get back here!" The Bulgarian exclaimed, giggling as he managed to lunge forward and tackle Ty, bringing him to the floor.

"Ah!" He yelped, writhing under his friend's weight before surrendering. "I fan, I fan!" He squealed just as Martin started tickling him. "No!" He thrashed before grabbing a handful of grass and chucking it in his friend's bangs, making the predator squawk in surprise as Ty scampered away again.

"Hey you cheated!" He exclaimed, giggling like a madman. Ty smirked, whisking into his house and locking the door. "Hey you're cheating even more!" He backed away, laughing as his friend raged outside. "I'M GETTING THE SPARE KEY!" He huffed playfully, running away. Ty took the opportunity to flee, heading to the nearest room--the kitchen-- and opening the nearest counter, an almost empty pantry that had nothing but bread and a few canned goods. He glanced back at the hallway before climbing into it, managing to cram Into it and shut the door.

He laid crouched in there and waited in the dark, hearing his Bulgarian friend run around looking for him when his hearing suddenly picked up a heartbeat. Confused, he twisted around, a strange scent hitting his nose. It smelled different than anything he had ever smelt... Strong... Sharp... Almost like... Almost like fear...

When he shifted again, he felt his hand rest over something warm, and he heard a yelp as he felt it flinch. He immediately pulled back with a gasp, letting surprise steer him out of the ground-level cabinet and scramble out of it just when Martin ran into the room.

"Aha! I found you- what's wrong?" He asked, his nostrils twitching as he caught the same scent as Ty had experienced. With a shaky hand, he pointed at the pantry.

"Th-there's something i-in there," he stuttered. Martin frowned, sniffing the air.

"I smell a borrower..." He murmured, his eyes catching a gleam of hunger. He crept forward, then without warning dove into the pantry and rummaged around in the darkness. There were several thumps and yelps, as well as squeaks before Ty moved away at the sudden noises. Then there was a sudden blur that darted across the ground, and whatever it was scampered behind Ty's shoe, catching him off guard as Martin sat back out, breathing heavily.

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