The Butter-fly Tamer

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Ty sighed as he opened the window, letting the cool breeze hit him as he closed his eyes in content. Even though it was getting cold outside, nature outside was still beautiful, with a patch of flowers beside his house, and the still-green forest not too far away. And with the cool temperature, things were just right, blending in all of the colors of the spring to match the cooler atmosphere of autumn...

He stared at the flowers for a few seconds before deciding he was hungry, and he left his window open and fetched the bread and butter, smearing some on a slice as he came back to his spot at the window. He was just about to bite down on the snack when his sharp eyes caught movement, and he shifted his gaze to find that a yellow butterfly was fluttering amongst the flowers, and he smiled for a little bit before frowning slightly. It seemed different than a normal butterfly, the transparent wings, the slight glow to it, a slightly larger body...

That was human-like.

Ty widened his eyes in surprise when he realized that he was looking at a butterfly borrower-- aka. Fairy-- as the fairy inspected a yellow flower, it wings fluttering even after it landed on a log. He squinted a little to make out the petite features of the mystical creature.

It had golden-toned skin, a black and grey outfit, red shoes... And golden eyes. And it was a male. Ty thought that despite himself being a male, it seemed quite handsome in its own unique way, as did most fairies. They usually had elfish features like this one did, making them look quite graceful.

The curious predator watched the little fairy flutter back up, and he blinked in surprise when it turned around and met his gaze. It blinked a few times at him before smiling, and then it darted off into the forest at a quick speed, fast enough to wow Ty. Apparently predators and most other borrowers weren't the only fast ones.

He blinked a few times in the direction the fairy had gone before remembering his snack, and he hesitantly took a bite of the bread, tasting the rich cholesterol as he marveled at the flower patch.

'... Wow,' was all he finally thought.

The next day when Ty was sitting at the table, he was once again eating bread and butter-- a habit he picked up from an old friend of his-- when he spotted something dart past his window. Curious, he abandoned his snack and walked over to his window, opening it and leaning outside to look around.

He immediately yelped in surprise when something small and lithe crashed into him on top of the head, at the same time a cat sprinted out from behind a bush, only to halt and look around with narrowed eyes. Whatever had run into Ty was now hiding behind his head, trembling and even clutching his soft fluffy hair. Then finally, the cat meowed in disappointment before trotting off, and Ty heard a small sigh of relief from behind him. He stayed still, not wanting to scare off whatever had flees to him for cover, but he was itching to find out what, or why.

Then he finally turned around, only to freeze when he saw the fairy from yesterday sheepishly hugging his shoulder.

"... Eh..." Was all he uttered, blinking a few times in surprise. Why had this fairy run to him, when he was a predator? He knew that didn't he?

"Uh, h-hi?" The small fairy squeaked, grinning a little. Ty chuckled quietly, relaxing.

"Umm, hi." He replied timidly. "It's not everyday I find a fairy hugging my shoulder."

"Hmm?" Then the fairy seemed to realize what he was doing, and quickly fluttered back a little. "O-Oh, sorry!" He smiled guiltily, making Ty grin a little without showing his teeth.

"So that uh... That cat was after you wasn't it?" The small mystical being nodded, perching on his shoulder.

"Y-yeah... It was kinda scary..." He admitted in a small voice. Ty glanced back out the window before reassuring the small creature.

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