Like Brothers

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Adam's rude awakening was a car door slamming shut outside. He yawned and rubbed his eyes as he stumbled out of a heap of collected cloths, which resembled his bed. 'What's going on?' Adam wondered drowsily, walking to the mouse hole that was the entrance of his home. He lived in a house that was abandoned, so it was unexpected to obtain human activity, especially since he had been peacefully living here for three years.

But of course, three years didn't mean he ever let his guard down. Adam warily darted across the hardwood floor, hopping up onto an end table to peer through the window.

Outside were two male humans, both talking and one gesturing towards the house. Adam kept hidden behind the curtains as he watched, seeing the more stiller human nod, and the two shook hands.

'The house is being sold.' A shiver ran down Adam's spine, and he jumped down to the floor to dart away. He needed to collect a few things, to hide his existence. The human would probably move by tomorrow, bringing his stuff today, but Adam couldn't take any chances. He headed to the kitchen and climbed up a string he had tied on a handle for rope. Then unwound it and climbed down the blindfolds of a nearby window. He took a few hours and grabbed a few more things he had left out to make his daily life a bit more easier, then headed for the mouse hole. He was halfway across the living room when keys jingled in the door, and Adam's insides froze. He broke into a sprint and dove into his hideout just as the door opened, and he tugged a string out of sight just in time.

"As you can see, this house is a little... Well, unused..." The former owner of the house was leading the way for the younger male, who looked around curiously with brown eyes. He scratched the back of his head as he examined the living room, narrowing his eyes at the mouse hole Adam had disappeared into.

"Mice?" He asked dubiously.

"Not a problem," The other man assured. "I'm very sure there's only one mouse, but I'll provide free mouse traps and poison for you."

"Sweet." Adam dared to peek past the wall, catching a glimpse of the new owner as they headed to the kitchen. The human that was going to be living here had dark brown hair that looked a little untamed at the tips and bangs, matching his brown eyes. He had a long white shirt that pointed out how slim he was, with grey jeans and black shoes. His skin was pretty pale, especially compared to Adam since he was quite tan. His face was a little square too, and his shoulders were a little broad, but he was still pretty thin.

Adam shivered and ducked away ad the human glanced back, not able to stand being so close to such giant creatures and yet not even noticed. Their shoes could easily squish him, and every muscle in their body were stronger than Adam altogether. He knew better than to let himself be discovered, because it'd be game over if he was found. He wouldn't be able to outrun the human, and the human could do whatever he wanted to him-- which terrified Adam down to his very core.

He would need to be extra careful, which he recognized when he heard from the dining room, "I'll take it."


Adam woke up to a shout of dismay, grunting slightly in annoyance and turning over. Turns out the human was a YouTuber, and he spoke a lot to the camera. Adam always kept a wide berth when he was recording, using the time to gather food.

'Speaking of food.' Adam hauled himself to his feet and grabbed his jacket, pulling it on as he headed for the living room. He peered warily, his senses wide alert for the human's location. Nothing. Coast was clear. He took a deep breath before taking off, breaking into a hard run to venture across the floor. He cautiously circled around a sneaky mouse trap concealed in the shadows and kept going, knowing it was too risky to tease the cheese away without getting caught in the trap, and it'd alert the human. He had lasted long enough with the human around to know that while he wasn't too observant, he wasn't stupid.

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