Red Roses (possibly a new story idea/Teaser :3)

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"Ty? Is there something you wanna tell me?"

"I... I can't... If you knew, you'd hate me..."

"We're best friends, how could I hate you!?"

"I'm sorry, I-i gotta go!"

"Ty- wait! No, please!"

"You're my enemy Adam, I'm sorry but I can't be near you anymore."

"You don't have to do this! Stop the murders, please!"

"I told you I can't-! AH!!"


*****3 days earlier*****

It was raining in the town, pattering down on the cobblestone roads, making them slick and shiny under the moon's light. The horses were restless in the stables, neighing and nickering among themselves, while pigs oinked and rolled in the mud, welcoming nature's shower. There was a man clad in black, leading a horse that was hauling a wooden coffin on its cargo with wheels. There were more men in a nearby building, seen through the window, talking.

"That's the fifth one this week." One was pacing back and forth, his head tipped down. "We can't keep this up. They're all young lads so close to adulthood, why would they be targeted?"

"Sir, the autopsy came back, there was a report of a mark on his neck-- just like the other four victims." The first male sighed heavily.

"We need to find out what's going on!" He bellowed, banging his fist on the table. The others flinched a little, watching warily. He stayed silent before turning to the male. "Anything else Quentin?" He demanded. Quentin gulped nervously.

"W-well, n-nothing sir," he stammered. "We have no leads, no witnesses, just that this murderer hunts his victims down in the night, like..." The first male froze, staring out the window.

"Like a vampire..." He murmured.

"But surely it's just a myth!" Another gasped, his Canadian accent clipping the air.

"Exactly Mitch, vampires aren't real!" The man next to him added.

"But they are." The first male turned around. "The marks on their necks-- two small puncture wounds?"

"Yes sir." Quentin dipped his head. Sharp breaths were taking, and the silence fell to nothing but the pattering rain outside.

"What now?" Mitch whispered.

"Ian... What do we do?" Ian continued to stare out the window at the night sky, then slowly turned around.

"Call in that 'alchemist' man from Hallows, we need him to come here."

"Well what should I tell him?" Ian looked back outside to see the moon peek out from behind the clouds.

"Tell him... He has a case."

sound like something worth making a story?

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