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     'I can't take this much longer' I thought, hiding in the shadows as I waited for the human to settle down and fall asleep. He had a small stash of food right there, on his recording desk. But in order to get there, I'd have to go along the bed.
     And I can't do that with him awake. It was already risky enough.
     I noticed that he had finally stopped moving, his breathing slowed. I waited a few more minutes before I crawled out from under the desk and climbed up the covers, which was difficult but possible. I glanced apprehensively at the male, noticing that his head was turned to me, and he would have been looking straight at me if he wasn't asleep, his eyes closed. I let out a silent sigh of nervousness before climbing up the pillows and hopping over the gap to the desk. 'Food,' I thought blissfully, my mouth watering. I clambered into the small bag, rummaging through the wrapped sweets before sticking with a smarty and nibbling on it. Yeah, I know sugar's not good to have with out protein, but my options are very limited.
     I crawled out of the bag after I was done and hopped back on the bed, only to trip and sink face first in the pillow a little bit. I shivered and scrambled to my feet at the cold textile, hugging myself.
     "Brr!" I chattered quietly, shaking myself. I slid down the rest of the way, looking back at the human. He was now resting fully on his side, his arms bent at an angle just far out enough to block my path from the floor below.
     'Great.' I thought sarcastically, swerving to the left and walking alongside the edge of the pillow, right next to his arm. I could feel the warmth radiating from him as I approached his hand, his fingers curled slightly in a relaxed position. I took a small nervous breath before hesitantly stepping onto his hand. He twitched, and I scrambled back, hiding behind the pillow as he shifted, removing one of his arms from my path. There was still the other one though.
    A faint whimper sounded in the back of my throat, and I quickly shook my head to rid myself of my apprehension. 'Don't be such a baby,' I scolded myself. I inched forward warily, still pressing myself against the side of the pillow. His fingers were still curled, but not as much. Maybe I could go over them?
     I was shaking, I could tell, but it wasn't deliberate. I had never been this close before. I shivered again before I stepped over his index, carefully as if touching it would break it. Then I ducked under his middle finger, then studied his ring finger. It was partially up, too low for me to go under, but a lot higher than my normal jump height. I took a deep breath, then leaped upward, making it up pretty high...
     Then I landed heavily on my midriff, draped over the human's finger. I sighed in exasperation, until I felt him stir. I froze, and before I could slide off, I was suddenly lifted up, and my feet left the ground. I yelped and instinctively gripped what was keeping me from falling as the male settled his hand closer to him, merely inches away from his face. But I was trapped under his hand. I tried desperately to cautiously wriggle out from under the light weight, but to no avail. I squirmed harder, trying to escape. Still no luck. By now my caution was forgotten, fear getting in the way of my logic and blinding me as I tried to thrash around, but I was pinned. A whimper escaped me, and I stopped moving, my shoulders shivering as I held back a sob.
     All I wanted was to live life with out dying, or being Seen. I had been warned of how dangerous humans were to my kind, but did I listen? No!
     I stiffened when the muscles in the giant hand clenched a little as the male shifted again, removing his hand from on top of me. The good thing was that I was free. The bad thing...
     I gulped nervously and slowly got on my feet as the human tilted his head slightly from side to side, beginning to stir awake. I held back a squeak of alarm and sprang forward, hiding under his chin as he opened his eyes, yawning. I cowered away from his gaze, only to back into his Adam's apple. I felt him tense, as I myself froze, terrified. He slowly tilted his head down a little, and I stayed still, my heart hammering in my chest and shaking me with every th-thump.
     Then I almost sighed in relief when he stifled a yawn, resting his head against the bed again. I leaned forward to see that his eyes were shut, and I let out a small sigh of relief. I waited a few seconds before slowly taking a few steps away from the young male, then I bolted for the edge of the bed. Before I made it all the way though, a shadow casted over me, and a second later I was snatched up in a tight fist.
     I let out a shriek of alarm, writhing desperately to break free. But I was trapped. I tried banging my fists against the cruel grip around me, which didn't work. I finally stopped struggling, a small sob mixed hiccup escaping me. It was no use. I was caught. I tried to avoid crying, but a whimper escaped me, and I rested my forehead against one side of my confinement, starting to shiver with soft sobs. I didn't want to die! I squeezed my eyes shut as I started quietly crying, a small tear trailing down my cheek as I started hyperventilating. It wasn't fair, for my life to be so easily judged by someone else's content.
     I flinched sharply when I felt the muscles around me shift, and light flooded into the small space I was in. I shrank back, hiding my face as I sniffled quietly, a tear dripping onto the skin under me.
"What the...?" I heard a quiet and groggy male voice murmur, sounding confused. My breathing quickened even further as I realized that the young male had caught me, and was now staring at me incredulously. By now my breathing was going a mile a minute, coming in fast shallow pants. I felt woozy as I cautiously glanced up, meeting the human's wide brown eyes as he stared down at me. His eyes widened even further, and I whimpered, shivering and scooting back a little, pressing against his curled fingers. I suddenly felt dizzy, and my eyes slid closed as I went limp and passed out.

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