One of a Kind

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Adam scrambled over the rocks and ducked through undergrowth, dipping under branches as he kept running as fast as his legs could carry him. He kept running, straining as hard as he could to get away from his pursuer, anything to survive.

Adam was one of the last of his kind. For all he knew, he was the last of his kind.He wasn't a special creature or anything, just an ordinary human. Well, what had happened to the human population? Merely a few days ago, an apocalypse of several predatory creatures had appeared on the surface of earth, most of them originally thought to be mythological, like griffins and nagas and all kinds of horrible bloodthirsty creatures. Adam was one of the lucky-ish ones; he had survived so far, but his home had been demolished, and his family... Well... Let's just say he's alone and homeless. But anyways, back to the chase. He had found a few wild berries and had been downing them fast due to starvation when he had heard a twig snap, which sent him running. The predator was a griffin; he had a slim chance of survival.

Adam had ran a good long way before he had finally collapsed, and he scrabbled back to his feet to keep running when he heard a screech behind him, and he made the mistake of turning around. Out of the bushes leapt a ferocious lion with the front half of an eagle, staring intently at him with its sharp golden eyes as it flared its wings to chase after him. He had just turned back around in time to run into something, and he fell on his back with a grunt of surprise and pain.

The griffin pounced on him, and Adam screamed, thrashing to try and get away.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" He yelled. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" The beast snarled in response, clawing him when he rolled over to try and escape, and he screamed in pain, going limp. He was trembling in exhaustion as the griffin hissed and clacked its beak, circling him as he weakly lifted his head. The back of his shirt was starting to soak with blood, and he felt dizzy, lightheaded. He whimpered when the griffin lashed its tail, and it tensed to pounce and finish the job when there was a tremor, barely noticeable, but the griffin sensed it. The mythological creature stopped and froze, cocking its head as Adam let out a nervous breath, confused as to why it wasn't finishing him off. Then it suddenly reared and spun around, retreating with a shriek. Adam relaxed, going limp and letting his head rest down.

'Why did it spare me?' He wondered. 'It was almost like it was... It was scared of something...' Realization ticked in his mind, and he froze, stifling a weak cough. 'The only thing a predator is scared of...'

Is a bigger predator.

He was suddenly gently lifted up by the back of his shirt,making him start and kick weakly in the air. He was close to passing out, but he felt even more lightheaded when he found himself face to face with the most deadliest predator.

A giant.

He stopped moving and froze with horror, numb with fear. The giant had crimson blood-red eyes, dark brown hair, and a young look. It looked like a male teenager, at least if it was human. But he was a giant, which made Adam start whimpering softly and wheezing in fright every second, seeing he was the size of this creature's thumb.

Adam flinched when the titanic being set him down on his hand, and he immediately made a break for it, only to be gently cut off. After a few more attempts, he finally regained his senses and broke into a cold sweat, shivering violently as he went limp in the giant's palm. The giant stared at him for a few seconds before pinching his waist and picking him up again, making Adam wince in pain and fidget in fear as he started hyperventilating, squeezing his eyes shut and bracing himself.

Instead of his demise, he was suddenly wrapped in warmth and a soft embrace-like holding, and he shuddered, peeking fearfully open one eye to see that the giant hadn't eaten him... Yet, at least. Instead, he was holding him to his chest, carrying him somewhere. He shivered and coughed again, closing his eyes as he dreaded the future.

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