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Ty Ellis sat in the middle of the room, his head in his hands as he took deep fast breaths. It was the middle of the night, but he was suffering insomnia, badly. He let out a sigh, looking up from his hands and resting his chin on them in a fist, slightly rocking back and forth. He didn't feel great. He was beyond exhausted, as he had been suffering for an entire week. But it felt worse than it sounded, groggy mind, heavy almost watery eyes, distracted mind in disarray... He just couldn't sleep.

Usually he'd just sit there, staring off into space until morning, then do his daily routine in the daylight. But tonight however, something different happened.

Unbeknownst to him, he wasn't alone, because of a Borrower named Adam Dahlberg. Adam was an inch tall, which was tall for his kind, and despite his size he was fast. Agile. He had curly light brown hair, friendly golden-brown eyes and a black jacket over a light grey shirt, with dark blue jeans and red shoes. He had actually been living in this house with the human Ty for quite a few months, keeping his existence almost completely unnoticeable. There were some things like slightly moved objects or missing but small pieces of food, but recently since poor Ty was beyond fatigue and tired, he had usually grown to be fully unnoticed.

Until he made a mistake, one that would hugely impact his life.

As Ty sat there in his drunk-on-exhaustion state, the Borrower Adam was watching him from the hallway, peeking cautiously at the human. He was different than what his parents had taught him, what with not being a human with a normal job or ever really leaving the house-- save for grocery shopping or new clothes-- and apparently he wasn't a good sleeper. He reminded himself that he was hungry, and should find something before morning came, so he hesitantly left the human to sit, alone with only a lamp on.

As he snuck into the pantry, Ty sighed and rubbed his eyes, growing stiff after having sat here for the 7th time in a row, and for hours at that. He needed to get up and stretch, so he stood up and walked around his house, going to the bedroom first and then the living room, then a few more rooms until he reached the kitchen last. He went ahead and got himself a drink of water, ignorant of anything else when a thump caught his attention.

As soon as Ty had gotten up, Adam had ducked into a cabinet with all sorts of kitchen tools, like a blender or a coffee maker and such. He stayed deathly still, sighing a little in relief when the human had walked past the kitchen, heading to his bedroom hopefully for some long-desired sleep. He was disappointed when the human returned, and he started back up deeper into the shadows when he bumped into some weird looking kitchen thing, that was metal as it banged against the side of the cabinet. He froze immediately, not even breathing as he waited for the human to react. Fortunately, he had decided to ignore the little sound, continuing to drink his glass of water.

He let out a silent sigh of relief, remaining still as the human left the room again, and then climbed out eagerly of the cabinet. He should just eat his fill and go to sleep. He was about to leave the kitchen when he spotted something scuttling on the other side of the room, near the oven but heading in his general direction.

A spider.

Adam absolutely hated spiders, with eight legs and eyes glittering with malice, and how fast they were. His breath quickening a little, he turned around and broke into a run, racing out of the kitchen and into the living room, only to run head first into something usually not there and fall on his back, passing out from the impact.

Ty had merely shrugged off the small noise, taking a few more sips of much needed water before putting it on the counter and heading to the living room, sitting on the couch for about a minute before he decided to try and sleep. He got back up and headed to his room for a blanket, but before he made it out of the current room, he felt something ram into his shoe, and he sprang back in surprise when he heard a small grunt at the impact, and another thump. Confused, he looked down, and he immediately froze. Lying on the floor was a small humanlike creature, out cold at his feet. It was laying on its back, appearing to be knocked out.

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