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I managed to scrabble for a grip and haul myself up over a fallen twig as the rain began to pour harder. I whimpered softly, shivering violently as I scampered under a human seat, a bench I think. I was on the edge of a park, hiding under this bench that was along a side walk. I'm not really... Normal. I'm a neko, one of those hybrids that are about an inch tall? Yep.

I shuddered and hugged myself, trying desperately to ignore the awkward feeling of my saturated clothes sticking to my skin. I was out trying to find food when it had started raining, and before that a human had tried to kill me. Why were we so mistreated? Was it because we were only about as tall as their longest finger? Did it make them feel better? I didn't know. All I knew was that humans were something to fear.

A crackle of thunder made me whine softly, my cat ears flattening hard against my head. I was sick of living in fear, or on the brink of death. I just wanted to be able to live...

After about half an hour, the storm was still persistent, and I was almost slipping into a bad-quality doze when I heard loud splashing, and I flinched awake when I realized a human was walking down the side walk with a bag with wheels rolling behind him as he dragged it along, and I spotted one of the pockets open at the side, only partially zipped. I glanced up in fear, flinching when he dropped something.

"Crap." I heard him mumble, quickly bending over to fetch it. I took a chance and darted forward, slipping into the opening in the bag. I stifled a yelp of surprise when I felt the bag start moving again, and then I refocused my balance, letting out a quiet sigh of relief. I was hidden, and out of the rain. But I was still cold. Although it would do for me...

After about half an hour of watching the world go by, I heard a door open, and then my heart rate picked up when my vision was enclosed with huge walls in the distance. Well, I certainly didn't think this far as to what I'd do now. I backed up a little into the pocket when I was suddenly shrouded in bright white light, and something large vibrated behind me with a loud "Mah-Ming!" like noise. I accidentally yelped, jumping forward and whirling around to see that it was only a phone. I sighed in relief, relaxing a little. It was only that stupid human device-

Something suddenly pinched my waist and lifted me up, making me yelp and immediately struggle in protest as my feet suddenly left the ground, with panic and fear slamming into me like a wall.

"Whoa!" I was suddenly dropped along with the exclamation of surprise, and I landed on carpet with a grunt at the impact. I wasted no time time in scrambling to my feet before scampering under the nearest piece of furniture, a couch, and I huddled as far away from the edge as possible. I watched, immobile with fear as the lower half of the human's shoes came closer and closer, and then he lowered himself to the floor, and I found myself staring fearfully into two huge blue eyes.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence as the human stared at me in surprise, his eyes wide in disbelief. I finally whimpered, still shivering from the cold while pressing against the wall as if finding a weak spot that would let me get out of here. The human noticed this and blinked before sitting up, and I shuddered, wondering if he was going to try to catch me. I almost sighed in relief when he got up and left, which was short lived when he returned and laid down on his stomach again, this time reaching under the couch with a clenched fist. I widened my eyes and pressed against the wall again as he opened his hand and laid it down flat on the floor palm up. In the center of his palm was food, a piece of steak. My gaze hesitated on the morsel of food, then I glanced dubiously at the human, seeing no hatred, disgust or anything in his eyes, only fascination and concern. Was he... Trying to actually feed me? My ears perked up a little as I looked back at the steak, feeling my mouth watering like crazy. It had been so long since I had had real food.

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