Toys R Us... Literally

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The interesting thing about giants... They're a lot like humans.

They have the same clothes, similar food, similar economy, relatable personalities. The only difference really is that a human is the size of their pinky in comparison. Another difference?

They sell humans...

As pets.

About a month ago, an apocalypse had happened, which created several predatorial creatures, ones that humans were absolutely defenseless to. The population had plummeted, from six billion to mere thousands. The lucky ones were usually those who ended up with a master that actually cared about their pet, which didn't happen too often considering that most giants thought that they were better than humans.

In Adam's book, they were plain jerks.

Adam had been captured about a week ago, when an injury of his had caused his leg to give out on him, and his scent of hunger and weakness had attracted a giant who happened to work at a pet store for humans. He didn't socialize much like the other humans though. He was left alone, which he welcomed. Most giants didn't even look at him because of the ugly wound that had began to grow infected on his leg, or because he didn't connect with the other humans. Either way, he was the ugly duckling.

Then one day, when Adam was sitting in his corner like he did everyday, a young giant came to the store. He was young but well built, old teenager-- almost an adult-- and had a casual outfit of a white v-neck tee and grey jeans. He was timid about humans, didn't know much about them, but his friends had begged him to try out buying one, saying that if he didn't like it then he could just eat it or return it, which in the giant's book was rather unfair.

"Hey there, how's your day?" The clerk offered. The young giant nodded in response, replying an answer as his eyes scanned the few cages of humans. "I know we got a fresh batch of cats if you'd like-- they're tiny, but completely lovable, and harmless." The giant's eyes had landed on Adam, and he blinked a few times.

"Uh, naw I'm good," he replied vacantly. "Just here for a human."

"Excellent! Let me show them to ya!" The clerk guided the giant over to the human cages, pointing out the most obedient ones, which ones were quiet, which ones were pretty, things like that. He didn't get a chance to point Adam out though, mainly because the young giant had made his way to him.

"... What about this one?" He asked quietly, kneeling down to get a better look at the human. Adam was asleep at the moment, his head resting exhaustingly against the cage wall he slumped against. His injury was showing as plain as day, but the giant didn't seem disinterested in him.

"Oh... Word of advice, that one's not very... Cooperative," the clerk said shyly. "He was captured easily because of his injury, and we've noticed him growing weaker and weaker by the days."

"So why not treat him?" The giant frowned. The poor little guy seemed in pain.

"He won't let us. Like I said, uncooperative. But we'll put him down by the end of this week, then he'll be out of pain." The young giant stared at Adam, seeing the tense expression on the tiny human's face before he got up.

"I'll take him." After a bit of haggling, mainly because the clerk was surprised, the young giant got a deal. However, Adam had started waking up, and when he heard the cage door open, he flinched and was sent running, avoiding the clerk's clumsy hand.

"Eh, he's still pretty fast," he explained sheepishly, trying to corner Adam. The giant couldn't bare the small squeaks of pain Adam whimpered, and he finally stopped the clerk.

"Here, let me." Adam slowed to a wobbly hobble when the giant hand receded, and he shivered in relief, staring fearfully at the young giant as he kneeled down to his eye level. He reached in at a slow pace, making Adam shrink back until he was in the corner, and he squeezed his eyes shut to brace himself. Instead of being yanked up like a doll, he shuddered when he felt a petting on his head, and he fearfully peeked open his eyes to see that the giant was petting him.

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