Cat and Mouse

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"I think Seto's finally lost it." Adam decided, glancing back upstairs. Ty scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Just realize that?" He asked jokingly.

"No." Adam laughed. "Although I think he's been locked in his room long enough. He needs to eat something."

"He'll come down and eat when he needs to, in his own time." Ty murmured, glancing up the stairs to the hallway that lay above it.

"Did he ever say what he's working on?" Adam asked, hopping up the first few stairs.

"Something like a breakthrough." Ty shrugged. Adam sighed, turning back to Ty.

"Well maybe-"

"Look out!" Both whirled around and ducked in time to avoid a huge ball of light speeding past them to hit the walls of the living room, ricocheting around as Seto scrambled down the stairs.

"What is that!?" Adam called out as Seto's extended hands glowed, but didn't affect the magic.

"It's the spell I'm working on but- Ty look out!" Ty yelped and dodged, but the orb of light suddenly bounced off the wall and slammed into Adam's chest, catching him off guard and sending him flying to the floor, and engulfing him in light.

"Adam!" When the light and the spell itself faded, revealing that Adam seemed to have had disappeared, Seto had a horrified expression on his face, and Ty was confused and worried.

"Seto-Seto where'd he go!?" Ty went over to the spot where his friend had been when Seto screamed, "TY STOP!!" Ty froze mid-step and glanced back, confuzzled.

"Wha-what's-what's wrong?" He asked. Seto groaned and facepalmed.

"Look-look down." When Ty glanced down, he gasped and took a step back. There, cowering on the floor, was a one-inch-tall version of Adam.

And Ty had almost stepped on him.

"Omygodomygodomygod..." Seto wailed, gripping his hoodie tightly while Ty stared incredulously, his mouth open in disbelief. Adam cautiously peeked up, quivering a little as his eyes darted frantically about his surroundings.

"S... S-Seto don't just-don't just stand there, fix him!" Ty snapped, looking over at the flustered sorcerer.

"I can't!" He exclaimed guiltily. "That was a spell in testing, I'd need to keep testing it to find a reverse!" He finally called down and took a deep breath, then slowly walked over to Adam. However when he was about to pick him up, Adam screamed "NO DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!" and cowered under his hand as the sorcerer sharply pulled back with a hurt expression.

"I'm-I'm really sorry I-I didn't mean to-"

"Just find a reverse spell." Ty jumped in. "I'll take care of Adam." Seto gazed at him with a sad expression, then nodded and looked back down at Adam before letting out a small sigh and going back upstairs. Ty stared after the mage for a few seconds before sighing quietly and glancing back down at Adam, who had hesitantly sat up as he blinked owlishly at his surroundings.

"You ok?" He asked softly, cringing in guilt when his small friend flinched in response.

"Y-yeah I'm-I'm ok I-I just... E-everything's r-really b-b-big..." Adam stuttered, looking up and nervously meeting his gaze. Ty managed to form a small reassuring smile at him.

"It'll be ok," he assured. "Seto'll find the reverse spell, and you'll be normal in no time."

"Who'll be normal in no time?" Both jumped when Jason walked into the house with a curious expression. Adam squeaked softly in fright and scampered over to Ty, surprising him by jumping onto his shoe and cowering behind his shoelaces. "Oh my God, is that...?" Jason gaped at his diminutive friend.

"Uhm... Yeah..." Ty admitted, glancing down at Adam to see that he was hugging his shoelaces and shaking. Jason took a step forward, only to stop when Adam peeked out and glared at him fearfully, then he had second thoughts about approaching his tiny and edgy friend.

"I'll uh... I'll just check on Seto then?" He said quickly, hopping up the stairs. Ty sighed tiredly and messed with his bangs before looking down at Adam, who was looking up at him. He blinked in confusion when he lifted his hands up and started gripping the air repeatedly, which he then realized was a request to be picked up. He slowly knelt down and let his hands surround Adam before allowing him to crawl onto one flat hand.

"So your letting me hold you and not anyone else then huh?" Ty murmured with a small grin, sitting down on the floor to hold Adam more securely.

"Y-yeah." Adam replied sheepishly, giving his larger friend a weak smile. "You're-you're my best friend, so... Yeah." A wave of protection swept over Ty, and he cautiously hugged him.

"It'll be ok." He promised, feeling Adam hug him back.

"... This is an awkward hug though." Ty laughed at Adam's words, and pulled him away from the embrace.

"Yeah but it's still ok." He protested, grinning. Adam nodded in agreement, and then they both fell into silence. Then after a few minutes, Adam lit up with realization.

"Hey I got an idea!" He declared, looking up eagerly at Ty. "Why not play tag? It can be Cat and Mouse, you're the cat-- y'know, Mr. Cat-lover-- and I can be the mouse!" Ty was a little hesitant. What if he accidentally stepped on Adam? What if he got himself hurt? What if he got lost?

Then he pushed away his questions, reminding himself that he needed to keep his ADD/ADHD friend content so he could still trust him.

"Sure!" He replied, setting his hand down to allow Adam to run away. "I'll give you two minutes-- be careful though!"

After the designated time, Ty started searching for the little YouTuber, checking anywhere he thought Adam might hide. After fifteen minutes passed though, he started getting a little concerned, looking around. However, when he laid down to check under the counters, he heard Adam yell, "TY!!!!" He looked back just as Adam ran up to him and climbed up his shirt onto his shoulder, trembling as he pressed himself against his friend's neck.

"Whoa whoa hey what's wrong!? Are you hurt?" Ty demanded, sitting up and looking back the way Adam had ran from.

"N-n-no..." Adam stammered. "Th-there was a-a huge c-c-cricket..." Which Ty thought was almost funny until he thought about the size proportions between a large cricket and his shrunk friend.

"It's ok..." He soothed, picking his friend up and clutching him protectively to his chest. "It's ok..." He cradled Adam until his shivers gradually faded. Then after a while he smirked.

"Well... I caught my prey. So I win?"

"Hey! It wasn't fair!"

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