Lamia Taberna

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Adam shivered and flipped his jacket's collar up against the windy rain as he hurried under the door, finally out of the rain as he shivered. His hair was soaking wet, and his clothes were absolutely soaked and covered in mud as well. He sighed and ruffled his bangs before continuing, avoiding someone's feet as he entered the tavern. Several giants were at humongous tables, but there were a few seats available in one corner for humans.

There were no humans though.

Adam bit his lip before heading over to the desk and going up the stairs on the side, allowing him to climb up to the counter so he could press down hard on the large bell, and it gave out a ding.

The inn keeper came out from under, from rummaging through a cabinet, easily towering over the human and making him swallow uneasily, but he knew he had no where else to go-- the storm was too violent to travel any farther.

"Interesting," the inn keeper remarked, leaning back a little. "What's a little morsel like you doing all the way out here in giant territory?" Adam steeled himself even though he was shaking, and he spoke up.

"Um... Can-could-could I have something t-to eat?" He squeaked.

"Have you got yourself money?" Adam's eyes widened, and he opened his satchel, shoulders slumping when he found that he had none. The giant sighed. "Sorry pal, no money no service."

"W-wait," Adam stuttered. "C-could I at least have a little water? And-and stale bread? I-I've been traveling for so long... I haven't had anything to eat or drink in days..." The keeper frowned thoughtfully at Adam's miserable and wet appearance, then slowly nodded.

"Very well then, get yourself seated at a table, I'll see what I can do." Adam gratefully thanked the giant and hurried down the stairs, holding his jacket tightly as he made his way between the other larger customers. Once he almost got smothered, and a grunt of "Watch it pipsqueak" reached his ears, making him cower as he scampered over to the more human-sized tables. Shivering, he sneezed into his sleeve, freezing cold as he waited.

He felt like someone was staring at him, so he slowly lifted his gaze to see that on the other end of the room, a giant partially in the shadows with red eyes was staring at him, looking thoughtful. He had a white shirt with a black rain coat over it, disheveled brown hair, and grey jeans. As soon as Adam's gaze met the giant's, he shivered and shyly looked away, intimidated. He was after all, just a little guy in a big part of the world.

"Here you are." Adam jumped when the inn keeper set down a tiny piece of stale bread down on the small table, along with a small bowl of water on the floor.

"Th-thank you," Adam stuttered gratefully. The giant simply grunted, and he was about to leave when Adam asked," Um... Who-who is that-that man over there? The one with red eyes?" The giant stole a surreptitious glance, then looked back to Adam and leaned down closely.

"That there be a giant named Deadlox," he murmured. "He's called that because where he goes, death follows. Don't know his real name, no... But I do know is that he be a vampire." Adam shuddered as the giant left, and he glanced back at Deadlox, seeing that the giant's red gaze hadn't left him. His eyes narrowed when Adam stared back, and Adam gulped before averting his gaze, his hands shaking as he began to eat.

However, he only had a crumb when he was suddenly grabbed by the back of his jacket and yanked up into air, making him gasp in alarm and kick, fear making his heart race.

"Now what on earth is a pest like you doing here?" Adam grunted when he was dropped, and he fell to his knees on a wooden surface. His breath quickened when he realized that one of the giants had picked him up and dropped him down on the table, and he shakily started to stand up, only to be bowled over with a simple prod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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