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Jason cautiously poked his nose out from behind the bookshelf, sniffing warily for any signs of danger. It was dark-- nighttime-- so he had a good opportunity to go get some food. He slowly edged away from his hiding place and scuttled away, exploring the halls before finally coming across the kitchen.

'Let's see... is there anything sitting out?' He hopped onto the counter and looked around hopefully, only for his heart to sink. Nothing. That meant he had to waste forever trying to get in the pantry.

Jason sighed and lifted his arms up in a stretch. Being a borrower was just so hard! He couldn't even get his own food without a struggle. Although that is life...

He started a little when he heard footsteps, and he ducked behind a coffee cup and peeked out nervously. The house owner walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry, grabbing a bag of microwave popcorn before putting it in the microwave to cook (?) it.

'I thought he was asleep,' Jason thought to himself, surprised and alarmed. Alarmed because this curious being was a predator, and surprised because he had broke his habit pattern.

The predator took the bag of popcorn out and opened it, releasing a heavenly scent that caught Jason's nose and made his mouth water as the predator munched on a few pieces. Then when he left-- probably to fix his disheveled hair-- Jason took a chance and darted forward, skidding to a halt in front of the bag and burrowing into it. He waded through the large pieces of ambrosial and warm food, picking up a satisfying-looking piece and taking a bite. It made a small sound between crunchy and squeaky, but Jason was in too much happiness to care. He took another greedy bite, forgetting to watch out for danger until the bag was suddenly tilted and lifted up, making Jason squeal in surprise and go tumbling under the surface of the popcorn as the bag was swayed a little, then set down. He heard the tv go on, and then his heart skipped a beat when the popcorn above him was moved and taken up. He looked up, and his blood froze.

The predator was watching tv, munching absent-mindedly on the popcorn in hand before swallowing. Jason gulped nervously as he watched the predator's Adam's apple bob a little, and his eyes widened even more when the predator reached down for another handful. Jason tried to wriggle out of the way, but he was suddenly pinned to the popcorn around him, rendering him immobile save for his arms. He stared with horror as he was brought up high and closer to the predator, and he squeezed his eyes shut, struggling between whether to reveal himself or let himself be eaten.

But then again, having the predator recognize his existence he might be spared.

"W-WAIT!" Jason screamed, covering his eyes with his arms and bracing himself for pain or a sickening crunch. He was jolted a little, and he heard a gasp of alarm as he trembled in the rather suffocating hold. For a few seconds, nothing happened, then Jason felt his flanks be pinched, and he was gently pulled out of his prison. He shuddered in fear and curled up a little, shaking at the close call as he felt himself be gently yet curiously prodded.

"Er... Y-you ok little guy?" Jason peeked open one blue eye, then slowly another and let his arms down. The predator was staring at him with wide eyes with an unreadable emotion, but mostly what looked like surprise, alarm, and concern combined together. Jason trembled a little at how close he was, his breathing quickening sharply at being face-to-face to the monster he had been trying to avoid. The predator set him down on his knee and slowly let his grip slacken, but it didn't completely disappear.

Jason was still for a moment before suddenly straining to try and make a break for it.

"Oh no ya don't." He cried out in fear when the grip tightened, and for a moment he felt lightheaded.

"T... Too... tight..." He gasped, struggling for air.

"Hmm?- Oh! Sorry..." The predator slackened his grip again, but this time it was more secure, ensuring Jason's presence. He shivered anxiously, refusing to touch the predator's hands as he continued watching his show. Then when it was finally a commercial, the predator sighed and sat back before looking down.

"... Why were in my food?" He growled. Jason gulped, feeling like a scolded puppy.

"...I... I-I was h-hungry," He managed to squeak out. The predator's red eyes scanned him, taking in his pitifully thin outline. Then the grip fully relaxed and disappeared, but Jason didn't try to flee, knowing perfectly well that the predator's reflexes were working fine.

"..." The red eyes were like flaming embers, burning holes into Jason. He shrank down a little, feeling fully helpless and intimidated. Then a slight movement from the predator's hand caught his attention, and his mouth opened a little in disbelief when the hand procured a piece of popcorn, which was then offered to him. Jason warily snatched the piece and nibbled greedily on it, famished. The predator watched him with a thoughtful look, then spoke up quietly when Jason downed the last of it, his aggressive posture long gone now.

"... So what's your name?" He murmured. Jason flinched a little, as if expecting a harsh tone instead of the soft one it now was.

"J... J-Jason," he meeped timidly, blinking owlishly at who was suppose to be his enemy. A small smile curved the predator's lips, and his eyes softened.

"I'm Ty." He hesitated for a moment before adding sheepishly, "Eh... sorry for kinda scaring you like that-- with both the almost-eating-you thing and er... just now..." Jason relaxed at the predator's candor apology.

"It-it's fine," he stuttered in response, shivering a little. He was still nerved by the glowing red eyes that watched his every move, studying him like a bug under a microscope.

"So uhm... how long have you been uh..."

"... S-sneaking around here?" Jason hesitantly finished. Ty nodded, and Jason bunched his shoulders together nervously. "W-well I've only been here a-about a-a week..." He admitted, wringing his hands together. Ty sighed and sat back a little, then offered another piece of popcorn, which Jason gratefully accepted as the predator looked back at the tv. Jason followed his gaze and saw that the show was back on-- whatever the predator was watching.

"So um... you wanna watch this with me?" Ty shyly offered. Jason blinked a few times before swallowing.

"Um, s-sure," he gulped, cautiously edging forward and sniffing warily. He hesitantly clambered onto the predator's thigh and settled down nervously, huddling against the predator before slowly relaxing. A few minutes passed, and Jason found himself nestling comfortably against Ty, starting to get comfortable with the peaceful predator.

'... I could get use to this.'

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