A Bottle of Trouble

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Adam walked into the lab to see Seto mixing something in a bottle, Ty at his side.

"Hey Set, watchya doing!?" He shouted cheerfully. The sorcerer started in surprise.

"Adam!" He yelped. "Careful here-- I could have dropped this!" Adam rolled his eyes.

"What is it anyway?" He inquired, hopping up to sit on the table. Seto glowered at him before answering.

"It's a potion of swiftness mixed with leaping, I'm trying to give Ty an edge on parkouring with Bodil," He explained, still stirring the mixture.

"Oh... Huh." Adam stared at the curious-looking potion before Ty spoke up.

"Hey Adam, you wanna go do something since Seto's busy?"

"Yeah sure!" He agreed. The two friends left Seto to his sorcerer duty and went to Ty's room, and Ty shut the door before turning around with a smirk."Tyyyy what did you do?" Adam teased. The young brunette giggled.

"You wanna sneak into his lab and see what he has?" Adam's eyes widened.

"You mean like, what potions and stuff?" He asked excitedly. Ty laughed.

"Yeah absolutely! It's almost dark, and he's almost done with that potion-" As if on cue, someone knocked on the door. Ty gave Adam a wink before jerking his head a little, then went to answer.

"Hey Seto!" He greeted. Adam walked past the sorcerer with a dip of his head, heading for his room until he was out of sight. As soon as he approached his room, he quickly veered to head straight for Seto's lab, while Ty stalled the sorcerer. When Adam entered the lab and quietly shut the door back behind him, the quiet sound of bubbling reached his ears. Interested, he took a look around, awed at how many potions were brewing. They all had an effect, effects unknown to him, and that made him curious.

He spotted a yellow one up on a shelf, and he grinned a little before approaching the shelf, and stretching up on tiptoe to reach it. He was only an inch too short, and he pouted, trying again. His other hand was on the shelf, as if to push himself up, when it bumped into a potion. The bottle fell over and shattered at Adam's feet, the once-contained liquid bursting into a cloud of green. He coughed and stumbled back, grimacing at the smell. It smelled like mushrooms!

His heart skipped a beat when he heard footsteps approaching the door, and he tried to look for a place to hide, but his vision was... blurry. Double vision as well. He tried to take a step, but he fell forward and landed heavily on his side, coughing and feeling hot and cold all over.

'What the heck was in that potion!?' Was his last coherent thought before he passed out.


"... so how long will it last?" Ty asked as Seto opened the door to his lab.

"'bout three min....." The sorcerer frowned and scratched the top of his head. "Has Adam been in here?" Ty blinked.

"Uh, no, no I don't think so," he replied quickly. "Why?" Seto pointed at the shards of glass at the foot of a shelf.

"That wasn't there when I left." came the succinct reply. Ty groaned and covered his eyes with one hand. Adam knew better than to actually mess around with the potions! "Oh no..." He let his hand dropped and looked at Seto, who had rushed over to the small green puddle and dabbed at it before taking a sniff. The mage then widened his eyes and slowly looked over at Ty.

"What? What''s wrong-" The young male had started to take a step when Seto barked, "Ty don't move!" Ty stopped and gave him a confused look. "Come on, tell me! What's wrong?" He demanded. Seto sucked in a deep breath, gritting his teeth.

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