Lunar Comforts

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It was midnight, the full moon high up in the sky, beaming through any open windows. Tonight, the moon was directly over this one house, where Samantha was.
Samantha is a two inch tall girl about 9 years old, young but able to take care of herself if she wanted to. She's not alone though, in this house. The human that lives there knows about her being there, and takes excellent care of her, and practically loves her like his own.
Samantha, unfortunately, was having a bad dream as she dozed beside the giant, twitching a little in her sleep. She then suddenly started, gasping and panting as she woke. 'What a horrible dream,' she thought with a small whimper. She turned over to try to fall back asleep, but fear kept her mind wide awake. Irritated, she tried and tried,turning over a few times. Nothing worked.
She sat up with a small sigh mixed with a whimper. She knew the only way that was going to help her fall back asleep. She slowly got up, nervously pressing against her larger friend's arm before climbing up on it. She crawled up to his shoulder, a little scared and hesitant of waking him up since he wasn't exactly a morning person. She made it up, then approached his head, walking up to his ear and hesitantly pulling on the ear lobe.
"A-Adam..." She murmured in a small voice. He shifted in his sleep, making a small "Hmm...?" Noise in response. "Adam..." She hesitantly tugged on a strand of his hair, making him turn his head a little. Then he suddenly stirred, tilting his head forward and opening his eyes a little.
"... Samantha?" He croaked. The little girl came forward to stand on his thorax so she could be face to face with the human, shivering a little. "What's wrong?" He mumbled sleepily, resting his hand behind her as he gently pet her head. She closed her eyes, nuzzling the human back affectionately.
"I... I-I had a bad dream." She squeaked in a small voice. Adam's sleepy gaze instantly softened with sympathy.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asked softly, sitting up a little and sweeping the girl off her feet with gently with his hand. She shivered in the center of his palm, pressing against him for warmth.
"... I-it was raining, i-in my dream." She hesitantly started. "A-and I was outside in it whe-when the wind suddenly snatched me, a-and all of a sudden th-there was a tornado a-and-" Samantha cut herself off and buried her face in Adam's shirt, as the human gently cradled her against his chest.
"It's ok though." He reassured quietly. "I won't let some wind snatch my little girl away." He gently hugged her to his chest with both hands as the girl sniffled in anxiety. "It's ok... I'm right here, shh..." He murmured as he heard a small whimper escape the diminutive girl, petting the back of her head while still cradling her. "It'll be ok, Samantha. I promise. I'll protect you." Samantha sniffled again, snuggling up against him and welcoming the platonic embrace, as well as the murmured encouraging words. She laid against him, nestling herself happily in the folds of Adam's shirt as he continued to hug her, looking down at the little child that laid on his thorax. "You poor poor thing..." He whispered, gently petting the back of her head as she shifted a little.
When she was still for a while, he cautiously placed his pinky finger on her nape, feeling her tiny heartbeat. It was slow. She was asleep. Smiling softly, he let himself fully lay back, laying his arms protectively over Samantha's small figure and keeping one hand over the little girl, slowly and affectionately sweeping his thumb over her head softly in a stroking manner. She squirmed a little under his touch, turning over on her side and curling up slightly like a little kitten, which made Adam smile quietly as he laid his head back. Knowing that the little one in his arms was now safe and at peace, he closed his eyes and let his tired mind rest, falling back asleep.

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