Pest Control

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It had happened. Again.

Ty sighed in both irritation and confusion as to why his food supply was diminishing every now and then. Barely noticeable, but then again he was a creature of sharp senses.

Maybe uh... not intelligent-wise... but still.

He closed his fridge loudly, shaking his head. It had been occurring for a whole week now, and he was sure there was something taking his food. Whether it was... What his kind usually preyed on, or just a rodent. Normally, he tried to avoid troubling any borrowers, but there had been a time or two where they really got on his nerves. A few years ago, there had been one that actually taunted him, stole his food from right under his nose and would banter about it in his face.

What happened to the borrower, well... just say a friend of his had finally caught it one time he was over.

He pulled out his phone, looking down at it for a few seconds. Surely this was a different kind of pest problem? A borrower? Nothing was scratched up or anything, only the food amounts decreased slightly.

Then he shrugged it off, pressing the dials and lifting it up to his ear. 'It's probably just a small pest,' he told himself. He hadn't seen a borrower in years, and he wasn't likely to see one for a while anyway.

So he called over someone he knew to help him out. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later, and Ty opened it and allowed the person to come in. It was actually a friend of his, Martin, who was not only a really good predator but also knew a lot about borrowers, seeing that he caught them himself. He was also the one who had caught that one annoying little pest from a few years back.

He now grinned in recognition at his friend, clapping him on the back.

"Hey Ty! I haven't seen you in a while dood!" He chirped in a Bulgarian accent. Ty laughed as he led his friend to the kitchen.

"I know right? I've just been busy... Anyways, I could use your help. I want you to catch something." He opened the fridge and pointed to his food quantities, then motioned over at the pantry. "Something's been making off with some of my food here and there and every now and then, and I wanna know what. It might be a borrower, it might just be a mouse. All the same, I want it caught so it can be rid of-- I don't need any food contaminated, especially before winter."

"No problem! Happy to help!" The other predator replied cheerfully. After a few minutes of talking, the Bulgarian started walking around, scanning the floors and sniffing the air. Knowing that he was a wolf-dragon hybrid, Ty stayed silent and followed his friend wordlessly. Suddenly Martin narrowed his eyes, and before Ty could ask what was wrong, the predator leaped forward and shot his hand out behind a furniture. Ty couldn't help but gasp a little when he heard a small yelp in response, and the Bulgarian smirked triumphantly.

"You caught it!?" Ty exclaimed. Martin stood back up with his hands clamped shut together like a clam.

"See for yourself." He assured Ty, then opened up his hands a little. Ty came up to his friend and peered over his shoulder, widening his eyes.

Not only did he now know that it had been a borrower stealing food from him, but it was alive and kicking in Martin's grip.

"Whoa..." He breathed. Martin nodded, then lifted his hand up fully. Before the poor panicked borrower could even try to escape though, the predator pinched the back of its jacket and lifted him up to eye level, beginning to open his mouth. "Wh-wait Martin what are you-what are you doing?" Ty quickly asked. He glanced back at him.

"Taking care of your pest problem?" He offered. Ty immediately shook his head, his eyes slyly darting back at the borrower, who had been thrashing desperately in the Bulgarian's grip but was now still and hanging in the air while looking at him pleadingly with fear and desperation.

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